青睐的近义词 【词目】青睐 【近义词】钟情、酷爱 【拼音】qīng lài 【词性】动词 【英文】favor,good graces 【基本解释】睐:看。青:眼,指人高兴的时候正看着,黑色的眼珠在中间。用正眼相看,指喜爱或重视:深受读者~ 出处 阮籍“旷达不羁,不拘礼俗”(《魏春秋氏》)。 喜庸俗,虽为吊母丧而来,阮籍仍作白眼对之;康高雅,且同为“竹林七贤”之属,故阮籍对以青眼。后世以青眼表示对人尊重。[1] 宋·王明清《春娘传》:“居二年,会新守至,守与司理有旧,司户又蒙青睐。” 清·黄景仁《喜郑诚斋先生归新安之信》诗:“几多青睐独垂怜,无那操铅癖未捐。” 示例 1. It showed that he had been used to being petted and noticed by his master . 这表明他惯常得到东家的青睐和宠爱。 2. But no one could survive the white house without presidential goodwill . 但是在白宫,只有得到总统的青睐才能呆得下去。 3. In the profession we are accustomed to receive a great deal of most gratifying attention . 我们干这一行,都习惯于接受旁人的青睐。 4. You will rise into the favour of dances who bring no scent of the mulestables with them . 你是会得到身上不带骡粪味的跳舞者的青睐的。 5. They compete for the attention and the priorities of the president in favor of their own limited jurisdictions . 他们都要争取总统的青睐,希望总统优先注重他们有限度的权力。 4. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d7521eaf740bf78a6529647d27284b73f242369b.html