2012年,在世界各大经济体增长全面减速、各种风险不断暴露的情况下,我们合理把握政策力度,保持财政预算支出规模不变,优化支出结构,扭转经济下滑趋势,全面实现年初确定的主要目标, In 2012, when other major economies in the world were experiencing a slowdown in growth and constantly encountered new risks, we maintained a proper intensity in policy implementation, kept budgetary spending unchanged, improved the spending mix, and reversed the decline in economic growth. 国内生产总值增长7.8%,城镇新增就业1266万人,居民消费价格涨幅回落到2.6%,为今年经济发展打下好的基础。 As a result, we attained all the main targets set at the beginning of the year: GDP grew by 7.8%, 12.66 million urban jobs were created, and the rise in the CPI fell to 2.6%. All this laid a good foundation for China's economic development this year. 这五年: Over the past five years: 我国宏观经济总体上保持增速平稳较快、 China's economy as a whole maintained steady and rapid growth. 物价相对稳定、 Prices remained fairly stable. 就业持续增加、 Employment steadily increased. 国际收支趋于平衡的良好态势, The balance ofpayments moved toward equilibrium. 国内生产总值年均增长9.3%,显著高于同期全球和新兴经济体的增速, GDP grew at an average annual rate of 9.3%, considerably higher than the average global rate and the average rate of other emerging economies for the same period. 通货膨胀率远低于其他新兴经济体。 China's inflation rate was also much lower than that of other emerging economies. 我国经济稳定,充满活力。 The Chinese economy is stable and full of vitality. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d8b6179e2c3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb2003.html