
时间:2024-04-03 12:06:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

榜样的力量The Power of Example_800

Chinese army has caught the world's attention after they showed the world the newimages.Many people feel so proud of Chinese new power.Recently, the picture of a littleboy standing behind the soldiers was favored by a lot of people.The soldiers stood in astraight line, as they did in the training, and the little boy followed them.People see thepower of example from the picture.Good example can cultivate children to be betterpeople.The saying that parents are the mirrors to their kids. Indeed, we can judge theadults from the kids' behaviors.Take my aunt for example, she is a teacher and she hasa daughter.Everyone praises my cousin as they talk about her, because she is polite andhelpful. My aunt sets the good example for her.中国军队在向全世界展示新形象后已经引起了大家的注意。许多人都为中国的力量感到骄傲。最近,一个小男孩站在士兵们身后的照片受到了很多人的青睐。士兵们就像平时训练一样站成直线,而小男孩则模仿他们。人们从这幅图中看到了榜样的力量,好的榜样可以培养孩子成为更好的人。俗话说父母是孩子的镜子。所以,我们可以从小孩的行为来以判断大人是怎么样的人。以我阿姨为例,她是一名教师,她有一个女儿。每当人们说起我表妹时,他们都会表扬她,因为她有礼貌、乐于助人。就是因为我阿姨为她树立了很好的榜样。
