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【期刊名称】《中国畜牧兽医 【年(),期】2012(39)10

【摘 要】To study the skin pharmacokinetics of interferon alb spray, the pharmacokinetics of interferon alb spray on the skin was carried out in the integral, permeable and injured skin of the minipigs. 1, 3, 5, 25 μg/mL of recombinant human interferon alb were consperged onto animal's skin. Skin tissues were shearing and homogenated at 0,1,2,4 h after consperge. The biological activity of interferon alb was measured to show the drug's antiviral effect. The interferon alb was detected in integral skin and achieved to therapeutic concentration in permeable and injured skin of minipigs within 4 h after consperging; the concentrations of interferon alb in tissues were correlated with dosage and time, those differences between groups were significant (P<0. 05). 5 μg/mL interferon alb spray showed antiviral effect on skin region when sprayed every 4 h.%本试验旨在考察重组人干扰素α1b喷雾剂在皮肤应用的局部药代动力学特性,分别在小型猪完整皮肤、通透性增强皮肤和破损皮肤上进行透皮吸收研究.采用13525 μg/mL重组人干扰素α1b喷涂于受试部位,在用药后O124h分别取用药部位皮肤组织制成匀浆,检测匀浆中干扰素活性.药物可渗透进入小型猪完整皮肤;在小型猪通透性增强和破损皮肤中,用药4h,药物可达到有效治疗浓度;用药剂量和用药时间与皮肤组织中药物活性相关,不同剂量组间和不同检测时间组间差异显著(P

0.05).5 μg/mL重组人干扰素α1b喷雾剂间隔4h用药可在用药局部起到抗病毒作.


【作 者】战大伟;牛春;颜克松;李洁;徐晨;刘金毅

【作者单位】解放军总医院第一附属医院实验动物科,北京100048;北京三元基因工程有限公司,北京102600;解放军总医院第一附属医院实验动物科,北京100048;北京三元基因工程有限公司,北京102600;北京三元基因工程有限公司,北京102600;北京三元基因工程有限公司,北京102600 【正文语种】 【中图分类】S859 【相关文献】

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