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【期刊名称】《玉溪师范学院学报》 【年(),期】2001(017)002

【摘 要】要更好地为社会经济发展服务,大学英语教学面临着巨大挑战.长期以来,虽然在教学中做过多种努力和改革,但是,学生的语言实际应用能力与其应试能力相比还很薄弱.其主要原因是,英语作为一门学科而不是语言来教.教学中,采用观看英文影片的方法,为学生提供语言学习的自然环境,加大了语言、文化的有效输入,增强学生对外语学习的兴趣,促进第二语言习得.%In China, College English teaching is faced with a more crucial challenge than ever before to meet the needs of both the economic and social development. A lot of efforts and reforms have been made to improve the efficiency of teaching, but

students'practical ability of using English language still remains poor. This is mainly because English language has been taught as a subject rather than a language even at college level. Video watching provides students with natural setting and effective input of the language and the culture. In addition,it increases students' interest in learning language. This will help stimulate the learners'SLA. 【总页数】4(P93-96) 【作 者】马凤鸣;朱黎勇

【作者单位】云南大理医学院外语教研室,云南,大理,671000;玉溪师范学院英语,云南,玉溪,653100 【正文语种】 【中图分类】G633.41 【相关文献】

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