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fire and ice 火与冰

some say the world will end in fire, 有人说世界将结束于熊熊烈焰, some say in ice.

有人则说结束于凛凛寒冰。 from what i've tasted of desire 欲望如火,体会其烈, ihold with those who favor fire. 则知世之归于火为我所愿。 but if it had to perish twice, 但若其必两度遭逢毁灭, ithink i know enough of hate 我知恨之极至,

to know that for destruction ice 必然明了,毁灭之冰, is also great 同样魁伟, and would suffice 同样顺人心意。

小学生英语小诗歌朗诵比赛稿篇二 Foolish Fiona 愚蠢的菲奥娜

This morning when foolish Fiona awoke 今天早上当愚蠢的菲奥娜醒来,

she looked at her mother, and said with a croak,

她看着她的妈妈,用嘶哑的声音说, "I can't go to school, so please write me a note 我不去学校了,所以请给我写个请假条。 to tell them I'm home with a frog in my throat." 告诉他们说我的嗓子里有只青蛙。 Her mom wrote a note for the teacher that said 他的妈妈给老师写了一个便条说, "My daughter is sick and she's staying in bed. 我的女儿病了,他躺在床上。

She won't be at school for the rest of the week. 剩下的几周她不能去学校了。

She swallowed a polliwog down at the creek." 因为他在小溪里吞了一只蝌蚪。 小学生英语小诗歌朗诵比赛稿篇三 My Girlfriend

Igot a new girlfriend, though I don't like girls. 我交了一位新女朋友,虽然我不喜欢女孩。 Ihaven't much money, but I buy her pearls. 我没有太多的钱,但是我给她买了珍珠。 I'm always embarrassed, but I give her flowers, 我总是不好意思,但我送她鲜花,

and talk on the phone every evening for hours. 每天晚上都要和她通好几个小时的电话。 We go to the movies, and she gets to pick. 我们去看电影,她可以选择。

She wants to hold hands, though it makes me feel sick. 她想手牵手,虽然这样使我感到很不舒服。 She likes when I smell good, so I take a bath.

他喜欢我身上清爽的味道,所以我得洗澡。 Ido what she asks me, and she does my math. 我做他要求我的事情,她教会了我的数学
