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新概念青少版2B单元测试 笔试部分Unit19-Unit20

一、 选择题:

1. I something very silly this morning.

A. had B. did C. picked D. was

2. Ken Bruce is an engineer. He is also bird watcher.

A. enthusiastic B. an enthusiastic C. enthusiastically D. the

enthusiastic 3. Then I my car keys.

A. looked B. looked at C. looked for D. looked in 4. They were my hand!

A. in B. at C. for D. on

5. The cuckoo watched .

A. patient B. patiently C. a patient D. at patiently 6. The little birds to get food for the baby cuckoo.

A. Talked B. watched C. appeared D. hurried 7. I home at about 10 oclock.

A. Parked B. did C. parked D. did

8. Mum gave my lunch box, and I went for the bus.

A. B. to me C. for me D. me 9. On the school bus I a bit sick.

A. feel B. felt C. am feeling D. feels 10. I ate four Crispy Trolls, one another.

A. for B. and C. to D. after 11. the same time I read the lable on the packet.

A. In B. On C. At D. Into

12. And I hung it the kitchen window.

A. for B. out of C. into D. outside

13. That night, a squirrel broke the squirrel-proof bird feeder.

A. to B. in C. into D. have 14. Then I it back to the shop.

A. take B. bring C. took D. brought 15. This my last fashion shoot.

A. be B. going to be C. will be D. was

16. Why do you want ?

A. change B. changed C. will change D. to change

17. Im successful now. But I always be successful.

A. will B. am not C. won’t D. not

18. In an office job. regular hours.

A. I work B. I’ll work C. Im working D. I worked

19. And maybe, one day, the right man.

A. I meet B. I met C. I’ll meet D. I going to meet

20. We plans for Sunday.

A. talked B. had C. did D. discussed

二、 首字母填空:

21. I b a new coat yesterday. 22. He s his old car last week. 23. We s in the garden and talked. 24. He ate a lot and b ill.

25. You can hear, Clean your e . 26. He b his leg last week.

27. She h the bird feeder outside the kitchen. 28. She p the squirrel in a bag.

29. She g us some money for lunch. 30. Were going o this evening. 三、


sell have Do watch see go put Be read buy

- I had a very busy day yesterday. - I a busy day, too. - Why? What did you do?

- Well, I my homework for college. And I some pages of a book. Then I some shelves up in my room and my books on them. What did you do?

- I into town and a haircut. That in the morning. And then yesterday afternoon I my old bicycle and a new one. Its great. - You were busy, werent you!

- Yes, and then in the evening I had a good programme on TV. It was about chemicals in food.
