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w___ ___ ther(天气) l ___ tt ___ r(信) r ___ ____ m (房间) noi ___ ___ (噪音) c ___ t ___ h (抓,捉) h ___ ___ p (帮助) 成绩:


三、根据字母顺序,判断下列每组字母的顺序是否正确,用"√""表示。( 1. B C D 2. e j f 3. w x y 4. o q p 5. l m n 6. C D E 7. h i j 8. R T S 9. v w x 四、选出与其它词类别不同的一项。(8分) 1. A. cold B. sunny C.morning 2. A. listen B. read C.ice-cream 3. A. three B. pen C. ten 4. A. here B. there C. he 5. A. piano B. CD C. flute 6. A. PE B. English C. play 7. A. mother B. father C. teacher 8. A. cat B. dress C. duck 五、单项选择。(16分)

1. Let's go _______ the park. A. to B. in C. /

2. It's hot and it's _____________. A. sun B. suny C. sunny

3. I am doing _________ homework. A. I B. me C. my

4. I am _______ a picture. A. draws B. drawing C. to drawing

5. --- ___________ you playing football? --- Yes, I am.

A. Do B. Are C. Can



6. Mike is _________ a blue shirt. A. wear B. wears C. wearing 7. It's 8 o'clock. Hurry_________! A. on B. up C. in

8. Listen! Who __________songs in the classroom? A. is singing B. sings C. singing 9.What's____________time, Mr wolf? A. an B. the C. /

10. ________Amy like English? A. Do B. Does C. Is

11. What do you do _________Chinese New Year? A. to B. of C. at

12. ________England, we have Christmas. A. In B. On C. At

13. _________ do you go to school? A. What B. Where C. How

14. I walk to school _________Lingling. A. with B. and C. by 15. "T"is for ___________. A. book B. teddy C. apple 16. They are good ___________. A. footballer B. football C. footballers 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. I usually ___________my bike.ride

2. He usually ___________ up at 6 o'clock. get

3. Look! Lingling is skipping. Daming is ______________ football. play 4. I am __________TV . watch 5. We are ___________ books. read 七、用likelikes填空。(10分) 1. Daming ____________ playing football. 2. We ____________Mrs Li. 3. My mother ___________red dress.

4. Lingling and Daming ___________eating oranges. 5. Teacher__________reading books. 八、将正确答案写在括号内。(20分)

1. Is it cold? A. I play football. 2. What's the time? B. On the playground. 3. What do you do at the weekend? C. Yes,it is.


4. Where do you play football? D. It's half past 7. 5. Do you want to play with us? E. Yes, I do. 6. I watch TV in the evening. F. 周末愉快. 7. Have a good weekend. G. 来和我玩吧! 8. How about you? H. 她听CD吗? 9. Come and play with me. I. 你怎么样? 10. Does she listen to CDs. J. 我在晚上看电视. 九、选择正确的英文句子。(10分) 1. 玲玲正在玩跳绳。

A. Lingling is skipping. B. Lingling is skiping. 2. 她正在做什么?

A. What's she doing ? B. What's he doing? 3. 你正在做作业吗?

A. Do you do your homework? B. Are you doing your homework? 4. 她正在听收音机。

A. She's listening to the radio. B. She's listening to CD. 5. 天气怎么样?

A. What's the weather like? B. What's she like? 十、选择正确的英文句子。(10分) 1. 你怎么去上班?

A. How do you go to work? B. What do you go to work? 2. 在周日你做什么?

A. What do you do on Sunday? B. What does your brother do? 3. 你的妹妹住哪儿?

A. Where do you live? B. Where does your sister live? 4. 你什么时候起床?

A. What time do you go to bed? B. What time do you get up? 5. 晚餐你吃什么?

A. What do you have dinner? B. What do you have breakfast?

