精品文档 员工辞退、劝退、通知书 致:行政部 辞退( ) 劝退( ) 由: 部经理: 日期: 年 月 日 辞退、劝退人姓名 公司录用时间 部门经理: 辞退、劝退原因 职务 公司解聘时间 行政部意见 总经理意见 员工离职交收表 部门主管填写: 姓 名: 工 号: . 精品文档 部 门: 职 位: 入职日期: 最后任职日期: 本月实际出勤天数: 该员工在本部门领用保管物品、工作手续: A、齐全 B、遗失或损坏,应扣款 部门负责人: 相关部门填写: 部门 项目 应收借款/押金 财务部 社保交款 其他应扣款 宿舍钥匙 后勤 公司钥匙 其他物品 制服间 制服 领带 餐卡 工牌 行政部 员工手册 培训手册 其他物品 备注 其他项目 交收记录 应扣金额 经办人 备注 领班以上人员须附部门交接清单 行政部总监签署意见: 年 月 日 辞退通知书 张娴洁 . 精品文档 我公司与你于2011年 7月 20日签订了劳动合同,双方建立了劳动关系。但在劳动合同履行过程中,公司发现你不能胜任本职工作,劳动态度差,且由于你在工作上的严重失误,给公司造成了一定损失,现公司决定将你辞退,终止与你的劳动关系。请你接到本辞退通知后,到公司相关部门办理离职手续,本公司将依照劳动法的规定,给予你半个月工资的经济补偿金及相应社险的缴纳。同时,接到本辞退通知后,你不得以公司名义再开展任何业务活动,否则造成的一切后果由你本人承担。 本通知自收到之日起生效。 Although I have spoken to you several times about your lax attention to your duties, I have been unable to notice any improvement in your conduct. I have therefore come to the conclusion that I must ask you to leave my service. Will you kindly take this as a formal notice of the termination of our contract as of three months form today, according to the terms of our agreement 此致 上海汉嘉之雅厨具有限公司 2011年 9月 23日 Dismiss employees Dear Mary: I am sorry to tell you that on May 15 you will receive your last check from Friendship Corporation. As you know from our previous talk,this action is taken because of unfavorable economic conditions and our increasing costs in a declining market.We simply are not producing a reasonable profit,and profit is the“name of the game”in American business.No matter how much was cut from expenses other than salaries,it simply wasn’t enough,therefore,we are forced to dismiss a large number of employees.As to the future,who can say?We are not optimistic;we must somehow struggle on. I very much hope that you will be able to find employment elsewhere,?Mary.You have been a good worker,and your immediate supervisor,Beth Southenland,speaks well of you.If in your search for another job you need a recommendation,then I invite you to use my name.You may be sure that I will say the right thing in your behalf. Thank you for your loyalty to Friendship,and best wishes for a fine future for you and your family. Very sincerely Yours, . 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/da08e949f042336c1eb91a37f111f18583d00c0a.html