大家有没有遇到给客户介绍新产品的英文推荐信都石沉大海,极少回复的情况?想必这种情况是很多见的,碰到好的客户他会给你个邮件回执,更多的是不回,如果你有遇上客户回复说,你的邮件写的太糟糕了。那你应该庆幸,说明客户有好好阅读你的英文推荐信,但是邮件的某些因素导致他不想看下去,这时候你就应该好好审视一下你的产品英文推荐信的结构,是不是公司介绍太多了?品质管理保证等信息太冗长了?是否图片影响客户打开邮件的欲望?使得客户没有耐心阅读你的英文推荐信。 这些都是我们要去考虑的因素,下面是一篇关于写产品英文推荐信的范文:Dear xxxThis is *** from *** Co., Ltd. of China writting to you, hope this mail finds you in your best time. Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about our new product recommendation. We believe our ****** (产品名)can provide excellent benefits to your company. Products Features(简要列出产品特点): * Brand New and creative concept for DIY crafts; * Easy to handle,Amazing decor effects & exciting user experience; * Great gifts for Christmas, birthday and Valentine'sDay, Anniversaries * Affordable High quality and museum class scratchboard , no toxic and environmentally friendly; Once again I thank you for taking the time to consider our new product and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 看了上面的英文推荐信范文,或许在结构上还有很多不足之处,有人认为应该把产品特性放在英文推荐信的首位以及对客户的利益点要指出,因为客户更多关心的是产品以及成本,所以我们一定要抓住重点。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/db760660588102d276a20029bd64783e09127d35.html