
时间:2023-02-20 15:09:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1、提供给予类: sb with sth

provide, supply, serve, present, equip, furnish, accommodate 2、给予奉献类: sth to sb

give, provide, devote, dedicate, grant, award 3、富有缺乏类:be in

rich, abundant, deficient, lacking, poor 4、与…合作类: with sb

ally, alliance, cooperate, conspire, collaborate, combine, integrate 5、与…混淆/混合类:~A with/and B confuse, confusion, mix, mingle, blend 6、适应适合类:~ to sth

adapt, adjust, apply, application, applicable, accommodate, fit, suit, suitable

7、与…熟识类:~ with

acquaint, acquaintance, familiar, familiarity, popular, popularity, intimate

8、盯视类:~ at

gaze, peep, peek, look, stare 9、屈服屈从类:~ to

yield, surrender, defer, submit, subject, conform, reconcile, listen 10、分配类:~ sth to sb

assign, allocate, allot, dispense, distribute, issue 11、躲避类:~ doing sth avoid, escape, dodage, miss 12、推迟类:~ doing sth

13、训练指导类:~ sb in sth (in doing sth)

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train, drill, coach, guide, guidance, instruct, instruction 14、比较类:~ to

Superior, inferior, senior, junior, compare,able, prefer,able, exterior, prior

15、转移类:~frominto…(位移变化) transfer, transmit, transport, transit, transplant 16、转变类:~frominto…(本体变化)

turn, change, convert, transform, translate, transmute, transcrible, transcript


distract, disjoin, divert, detach, deviate 18、针对反对类:~to

counter, direct, contrary, opposite, opposed, object, resistent, exception


depend, rely, lain(?) build, anchor, bank, back, rest, figure, reckon 20、归属类:~to

belong, pertain, attribute, owe 21、承认否认类:~ doing sth acknowledge, admit, confess, deny 22、适合类:~for(?)

fit(/unfit), suitable, proper, convenient, appropriate, available 23、命令类:?


?(特例:abide by, comply with

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