个人基本简历 姓名: - 目前所在地: 广州 户口所在地: 广州 婚姻状况: 已婚 培训认证: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 身材: 160 cm 48 kg 年龄: 36 岁 诚信徽章: 个人照片应聘职位: 会计/会计师:船务文员 出纳/收银员 贸易公司的财务人员 英语翻译 工作年限: 12 求职类型: 均可 月薪要求: 2000——3500 职称: 无职称 可到职— 一个月 希望工作地区: 广州 广州 广州 1990。8-1993.7 白天鹅宾馆 前台接待员 1993—1996。12 半岛水处理技术(广州)有限公司 秘书 个人工作经历: 1997。4-1999。7 中国建设银行 前台出纳 1999.7—2007。6 中国建设银行 综合会计 2007.10-2007。12 秦发集团 出纳 教育背景 毕业院校: 中央广播电视大学 最高学历: 本科 所学专业一: 英语 毕业— 2006-07-01 所学专业二: 1987年9月—1990年7月 广州外语职业中学(27中) 英语 1992年9月-1996年9月 广东外语外贸大学(自考) 英语 英语大专 受教育培训经历: 2002年9月—2006年6月 中央广播电视大学 英语 英语本科 (持有会计证,ECT-4级英语证书,反假货币证书) 语言能力 外语: 英语 优秀 国语水平: 精通 工作能力及其他专长 我于1990年毕业于外语职业中学,其后一直进修,边工作边学习,克服许多困难,包括怀孕及带小孩,凭着不懈努力,终于获得大学英语四级证书,并已完成英语本科课程.自1997年起在进建设银行做出纳工作,虽是我从未接触的新工作,并与我所学专业无关,但我做事向来认真负责,并有钻劲,在极短时间内对工作上手,反应敏捷,因此颇受同事及上司的好评。因为我一直都在进修英语,因此希望学有所用,除专业的证书外,我还考取会计上岗证,希望对工作有所帮助. 粤语水平: 精通 详细个人自传 I am a guangzhou residence. As I mentioned in my resume, I used to be a secretary in a HongKong water treatment co. My daily task in the company was to monitor the progress of projects and file documents, so I had enough experience as a secretary。 Since then, I joined in China Construction Bank, I had worked in the bank for 10 years。 I needed to check all the transactions that the tellers had made, as well as did the account works in branch. So I got some accounting experience in work。 I have got the certificate of accounting professional too. I am good at Cantonee and English. My computer skill is good enough to deal with office work and I like to comminute with other people。 In my spare time I have taken a series courses to improve my English; I passed the self-study exam and gained the diploma. When I take part in a new company, I am always hoping to establish a long term relationship between employer and employee。 My former bosses and colleagues have always considered me a hard-working, responsible person with nice characters. I know I shall have a lot to learn if I have the honor to john your company, but this is the challenge I would like to take. Hoping to your reply soon. I am a guangzhou residence。 As I mentioned in my resume, I used to be a secretary in a HongKong invested water treatment co。 My daily task was to make file system and supervise and control the staff work。 so I had enough experience on this。 I had just quited the job in Construction Bank as an accountance for over 10 years. So I have some experience in accounting field。 I have got the certificate of accounting professional too。 My daily task in bank was saving and withdrawing, inward and outward Remittances,cheque collection and clearing,foreign exchange,also the account openinEnglish Resume: g。I am good at guangzhouhua and English. My computer skill is good enough to handle office work and comminute with other people。 In my spare time I have taken a series courses to improve my English; I received a good grade in the self-study exam and gained the diploma。 When I take part in a new company, I am always hoping to establish a long term relationship between employer and employee。 My former bosses and co—workers have always considered me a hard-working, responsible person with nice characters. I know I shall have a lot to learn if I have the honor to john your company, but this is the challenge I would like to take. Hoping to your reply soon. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/dc07f573bbd528ea81c758f5f61fb7360a4c2b12.html