
时间:2024-01-17 01:52:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. For a long period of the history of mathematics, the centric place of mathematical methods was occupied by the logical deductions “在数学史的很长的时期内,是逻辑推理一直占据数学方法的中心地位” 2. An equation is a statement of the equality between two equal numbers or number symbols.

equation “方程”“等式” 等式是关于两个数或数的符号相等的'一种陈述

3. In such an equation either the two members are alike, or become alike on performance of the indicated operation. 这种等式的两端要么一样,要么经过执行指定的运算后变成一样。 two members”表等号的两端 alike 相同的 一样的

On the performance of …中的“on”引导一个介词短语做状语 Eitheror 4. is true “成立”

5. to more and change the terms移次和变形 without making the equation untrue 保持方程同解


1. change the terms about 变形 2. full of :有许多的 充满的

The streets are full of people as on a holiday(像假日一样,街上行人川流不息)

3. in groups of ten

4. match something against sb. “匹配”

Long ago ,when people had to count many things ,they matched them against their fingers. 古时候,当人们必须数东西时,在那些东西和自己的手指之间配对。

5. grow out of 源于 由…引起

Many close friendships grew out of common acquaintance 6. arrive at 得出(到达 抵达 达到 达成)

we both arrived at the same conclusion(我们俩个得出了相同的结)

7. stand for “表示,代表” 8. in turn “反过来,依次” 9. bring about 发生 导致 造成 10. arise out of 引起 起源于 11. express by“用…表示”
