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break的第三人称单数: breaks break的用法: break的用法1break是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(一个裂纹到七零八落)。引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。 break的用法2break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。 break的用法3break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃” break的用法4break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语),agreement, promise, law, regulation, rule, vow, word等词搭配时,还可作“违背,违犯”解。可接简单宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 break第三人称单数例句: 1. the world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。 2. many women still take career breaks to bring up children. 仍然有许多女性为了抚养孩子而离职。 3. it really breaks my heart to see them this way. 看到他们这个样子可真


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让我伤心。 4. anyone who breaks the law does so at their peril. 违法者要自担后果。 5. they enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life. 只要能打破他们日常刻板、沉闷的生活,任何事情他们都喜欢。 6. the bandage must be put on when the blister breaks. 水疱一旦破了就必须用绷带包扎起来。 7. the report breaks down the results region by region. 8. holidaymakers are digging deep into their pockets to book late summer breaks. 度假者想方设法拿出钱来预订夏末的短暂假期。 9. civil war could come if the country breaks up. 如果国家分裂就会爆发内战。 10. kindness breaks me up; it makes me cry. 这关爱使我不能自制,令我失声痛哭。 11. scott breaks away from his back-slapping admirers. 斯科特摆脱了热情喧嚷的崇拜者。 12. five-day mini-breaks start at 5,395. 为期5天的短假游报价从5,395英镑起。 13. if a man breaks the law , he can be punished. 个人如果犯法将受到惩罚. 14. the argument often halts and sometimes breaks down completely. 论据错误百出,有时根本站不住脚. 15. whoever breaks the school windows will be in for trouble!


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