/ ʌ/ 1. 发音部位:舌中部 2. 舌位:舌尖轻抵下齿,舌中部稍稍向上抬起 3. 口型:口要张大,和/æ/开口程度相似,双唇向两边平伸为扁唇 1. 字母u Us duck up hurry 2. 字母o Oven love other come 3. 字母组合ou Tough double enough 4. 字母组合oo Blood flood Minimal pair /æ/ Where’s my cap? There’s a hat. See the tracks on the road. She has a bag. much puddle must worry stomach flourish touch couple / ʌ/ Where’s my cup? There’s a hut. See the trucks on the road. She has a bug /a:/ 1. 舌尖与下齿齐平 2. 舌位:舌位很低,舌身尽量低平,舌根部后缩 3. 口型:口要张大,双唇稍微收缩 1. 字母a Ask task fast glass 2. 字母组合ar在重读音节中 Art arm car bar 3. 字母组合al Calm palm 4. 字母组合au Laugh aunt 5. 字母组合ear Heart Minimal pair /æ/ What a lovely cap! it’s a farm cat. I’ll pack the car. Hat hut heart Cat cut cart staff class farm hard card star /a:/ What a lovely carp! It’s a farm cart. I’ll park the car. Cap cup carp 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e0553ae7590216fc700abb68a98271fe900eafe3.html