
时间:2023-02-19 17:00:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

"Camel xiangzi is one of the representative work of Lao she, mainly

Peiping now Beijing a rickshaw pullers shoko's whereabouts, in the late 20 s life of Beijing residents as the background,

by rickshaw pullers shoko's bumpy, miserable life experience as the main plot, profoundly revealed the darkness of the old China, accused the ruling class exploitation and oppression of workers

expressed the authors' deep sympathy for working people, to show dark under the rule of warlords, Beijing poor people living in pain the deep bottom of picture.

Rickshaw, rickshaw from the countryside, he is honest, strong,

perseverance, like a camel. He strong self-esteem, bears hardships and stands hard work, by our own strength to make food. But

in the end, has experienced three three fall, but has lost the

confidence of the life. Was down and out, he has become numb, cunning, good advantage, food and drink piao wager, abandon the

walking dead. A first-class driver was so stronger, but still not struggle to the tragic fate. Xiangzi is a microcosm of the old poor working people, he reflect the labor people's suffering and helpless of life in the old days.

Finally, xiangzi all hopes, no more hope in life, not better is hard to fall. Place to make money with all the recruit, Yin malicious bad report in the end he sold RuanMing, become a person.

Xiangzi is no longer a cart, what will he do what money quick, even betray Mr Cao. Xiangzi his food and drink piao wager, gradually become a fallen, shameless, numb, and cunning, good

advantage, abandon the walking dead. In xiangzi heart, everything is "so", and there are cheap he can't account for. Xiangzi was end of individualism ghost.

"Camel xiangzi denounced the oppression of the people without virtue, reveals the darkness of the tle motieeyftr eht adoeeesth,nis hisdsoc exyl ieapienc rp ros isn nccusane si iogwi ahe qla

ieipded chdnne?"Sh, lhtsu ,fts ni ,xpressem lh nu horestdlev ly potpytfor f rrwvr iag pho lo iolchitihime taeuse!

Xiangzi has taught me a lot of, I should learn xiangzi strive forward and have a dream, will have the motive force to adhere to, in this society, people

care for us, encourages us, do we have

qualified decadent? So, let us, to him, the simple and honest lovely competitive drive was the social hit him, salute!


读了《骆驼祥子》这本书后,我从中了解到了在当时混乱的社会里,人们过着什么样的生活。 这部小说以二十年代末期的北京市民生活为背景,以人力车夫祥子的坎坷悲惨生活遭遇为主要情节,深刻揭露了旧中国的黑暗,控诉了统治阶级对劳动人民的深切同情 老舍先生的小说《骆驼祥子》中,两个主要人物“祥子”和“虎妞”一定给大家留下了深刻的印象。

这两个人物的结局都是悲惨的,更可悲的是祥子所生存的那个社会,那一个是腐朽、黑暗的社会,是一个可怕、吃人的社会,是有钱人的天堂,是穷人的地狱。正是在那个一个社会背景下,憨厚能干、坚韧好强的祥子和泼辣而有心计的虎妞才落得那么可怜的下场。 如果他们是生活在我们现在这个光明、解放、和谐、美好的社会,相信两个人的命运一定会有翻天覆地的变化。

