
时间:2024-01-15 06:26:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

不可数名词 1. 液体类:

w_________; t_______; c________; c_________; j_________; s_________ ; m_________ ; 2. 食物类:

b________ ; b________ ; p_________ ;p_________; r_________ ; c_________; f_________ ; m________ ;f__________. 3. 文具类:

p_________ ; i________ ; n_________; n______________ . 4. 自然现象:

s_________ ; r__________ ; i_________ g______, 5. 其它类:

h_________ ; h___________ . (2)量词:

茶杯_________ ; 玻璃杯____________ ; ____________ ; 盒子__________ ; 瓶子__________ 双(副,对)___________ ; 条(张,根,片) __________ . 盘子:_________ . (3) 写出下列词组: 一杯咖啡:a ________ ________ ___________ 两玻璃杯牛奶:two ________ ________ ________ 三盒鸡蛋:three ________ _______ _________ ; 四块肉:four ________ ________ ___________ (4) 选择填空:

1. There ______ some fish in the lake. A. is B. are C. be

2. There ______ some fish on the plate. A. is B. are C. be

. Would you like _______ apples ? A. some B. any C. an

4. There ______ a ruler and some books in the bag. A. is B. are C. be

5. There ______ four pieces of beef on the table. A. is B. are C. be

. there be have/has的区别 1. 教室里有四十个学生。

_______ ________ _________ _________ in the classroom. 2. 我们有一所漂亮的学校。

We ________ ________ ____________ ___________.

. 连词so, and, but, both...and, not only...but also的用法 1. He is old, ______ he is the strongest of all. 2. Miss Lee opened the door _______ came in.

3. Lucy got up early this morning. _______ she caught up the first bus. 4. 我爸爸和妈妈都是经理。

→ _______ my father ________ my mother _________ _____________.

→ _______ ________ my father ________ _________ my mother ________ ________ ________. . 同义句改写,一空一词。 1. Do you have a new bike ?

→ ______ you ________ a new bike ? 2. What's your father's job ?


→ _______ ________ your ________ _________ ? → ________ ________ your father ? 3. Mr Brown is an American.

→ Mr Brown _______ _________ ___________. → Mr Brown _________ _________ ___________.

. 根据字母提示,补全单词。

1. Look at the young people. They're basketball p__________. 2. Liu Xiang is one of the most famous r________ in the world. 3. The leaves fall from the trees in a________.

4. Today is much h_______ than yesterday. Please turn on the air-conditioner. 5. Lily l_______ her new pen. So she was very sad.

6. To pick up a hare is e________ than to work in the fields. 7. Lu Xun was b________ in 1881. He d________ in 1936. . 反身代词:


1. 单独的:_______________ ; 2. 玩的开心:________________ ; 3. 自学:___________________ ; 6. 自言自语:_______________

4. 随便吃点:_______________ ; 5. 自己穿衣服:_____________________ .

water 2.paper 3.exercise 锻炼 4.information 信息 5.news 新闻6.food 7.fruit水果 8.mutton羊肉 9.beef牛肉 10.snow11.chicken鸡肉 12.salad沙拉 13.houswork 家务 14.juice 果汁15.ice 冰冻食品16,tea 17.waste废物18.powder 19.rain 雨水20.wind 21.hair 头发22.rice米饭 23.population人口 24.bread面包 25.milk 牛奶26.coke 可乐27.money 28.jam 果酱29.honey 蜂蜜30.chocolate 巧克力31.fish鱼肉 32.meat 33.space 空间

34.advice 建议35.ink 墨水36.salt 37.cake 蛋糕38.change 找零39.homework 家庭作业40.traffic 交通41.peace 和平42.anger 愤怒43.courage 勇气44.energy 能量45.fear 恐怖 46.fun 有趣 乐趣47.health 健康48.time 时间 49.sand 沙子50.weather天气

其他的mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry biology historyfurniture luggage clothing equipment

