我改了一个坏习惯英语作文 我改了一个坏习惯英语作文 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你知道作文怎样才能写的'好吗?以下是小编精心整理的我改了一个坏习惯英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 谁都有坏习惯,我也有一个坏习惯,就是上课不认真。 Everyone has bad habits. I also have a bad habit, that is, I don't take classes seriously. 有一次上课了,我在桌板下玩来玩去,被老师骂了一顿后,我眼泪都流出来了。我下定决心,一定要把这个坏习惯改掉。可是,我想了想问题又来了,怎么才能把坏习惯改掉呢?哦,有了,就是每天坚持住就行了。 Once in class, I played around under the table. After being scolded by the teacher, my tears came out. I'm determined to get rid of this bad habit. But when I think about it, how can I get rid of my bad habits? Oh, yes, just hold on every day. 今天上课的时候,我看着黑板上的字,认真听了老师说的每一句话,我还积极发言呢!下课了,老师还表扬了我。 Today in class, I looked at the words on the blackboard and listened to every word the teacher said. I also spoke actively! After class, the teacher praised me. 今天真开心呀,我能改掉上课不专心的坏习惯,就能变得更棒了。 Today, I'm so happy. I can get rid of the bad habit of not paying attention in class and become better. 今天我还懂得了很多知识,就是想改掉坏习惯就得坚持住。 Today, I also know a lot of knowledge, that is, if I want to change my bad habits, I have to persist. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e33bd8eaa900b52acfc789eb172ded630a1c9873.html