电子邮件的“ ”英文说法及相关实用例句

时间:2023-01-09 17:03:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
电子邮件的“附件”英文说法及相关实用例句 例句组一:

I have attached my resume.?(最常用的句式,正式口语都可以用) Attached is my resume.?

Please find attached my resume.?

Please check the attachment.?(这句用名词“attachment”,相对比较随意的用法) 例名组二:

I haveattached the report for your review.

I am pleased to attach the report for your review.?(非常正式的用法) I attach the report for your review.?(这句时态为现在时,偏口语) I am attaching the report for your review. Please find attached the report for your review.

The report is attached for your review.?(被动句,但是这句是以物做主语,显得不是很人性化,最好不要用)?

Please find the report attached to this email.?(这句话就文法和意思来说完全没问题,不过如果电子邮件有附件的话,一般自动即为“to this email”,所以实际应用中不必再特别说出来) 另外:

在实际应该用常有人错用“enclose”说明有附件。“Enclose”的本义是指把某物或文字一篇文字放入信封,在电子邮件里如果说到enclosed something,?是指在邮件正文的下方(同一页面上)附了别的内容。

Attached please find today's meeting notes.麻烦剖析一下这句语法,attached是怎么个用法?


原型应该是:Please find the meeting notes attached (in the mail) 过去分词属于什么词性



Kindly see attached your required technical data.? as attached “正如附件里的***”可以翻译为
