
时间:2023-01-10 15:34:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

提起我的校园,那是我快乐的园地: Speaking of my campus, it is my happy garden:


There is a wide playground in my school. In the middle of the playground, there is a green artificial lawn and a long plastic runway. That's a good place for athletes to show their skills.

操场的东边是一排高大的篮球架,经常听到有人喊:"投中了!投中了!"操场的北面是大花坛,到了夏天,那里百花齐放。操场的南面还有一排高高的大树,到了盛夏,小朋友们可以在树荫下休息。大树旁边还有一排乒乓球案子,一下课就会看到乒乓球健将的身影。 To the east of the playground is a row of tall basketball racks, often heard someone shout: "Shoot! I hit it!" To the north of the playground is a big flower bed, where flowers blossom in summer. To the south of the playground is a row of tall trees. In midsummer, children can rest under the shade of trees. There is also a row of table tennis cases beside the tree. After class, you will see the figure of table tennis master.


Besides, there are bright classrooms and quiet corridors in my teaching building. Every morning, I hear the sound of reading aloud.

我爱我的校园,它是我成长的地方,也是我快乐的天堂。 I love my campus, which is where I grew up and where I am happy.
