Brand Authorization Certification This is to certify that ___________________ ,registered in accordanee with ,have registered the bra nd of in and have the right represented by the General Director of this bra nd . The compa ny _________________ officially authorizes (The design of this brand was in the attachme nt _________________ to use this brand No.1) on products. One of the products xxx cart on desig n with this bra nd was in the attachme nt NO.2.Compa ny : ________ and compa ny ___________________________ both have the right of using this cart on desig n .This certificati on is valid from xxx to .Authorizer Party Xxx(compa ny n ame ) Resp on sible Pers on Sig nature : Date : 品牌授权书兹证明 ________________________________ ,_ 在俄罗斯注册法人代表 为 X __________________________ 在_ ______________________ 注册商标 _______________________ ,_ 拥有这个商标的所有权。该公司 正_ 式把商标 的使用权( 商标图案见附件 N0.1)授权给 _________________________________ 用。其中的一 款产品 ________________________________________________________ 的_纸箱设计已经在 附件 N0.2. ______________________ 公司和 _______________________________ 公_ 司都拥有这个纸箱设计的使用权。 此授权书有效期为 ___________________________________ 到_ 。 授权方: 公司名称: 负责人签字: 1/ 2 日期:(公司盖章) 2/ 2 本文来源: