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nice surprise的中文是什么意思

很多人都会知道英语单词surprise,但是你知道nice surprise中文意思吗?下面就让店铺给大家分享英语nice surprise的中文意思相关知识吧,希望能对你有帮助! 英语nice surprise的中文意思

很大的惊喜;意外的惊喜;令人惊讶; surprise [səˈpraɪz] [sərˈpraɪz] 及物动词 使惊奇; 突袭; 意外发现 名词 惊喜,惊奇; 意外的事 英语nice surprise`单语例句

1. By far the biggest surprise on the Palmer is the Bentgrass greens.

2. Snow's comment caught White House colleagues by surprise, and they said they could not hazard a guess about when he might leave.

3. " The US Open got me by surprise, " Cabrera said. 4. And Greece will not catch Qatar by surprise, that's for sure. 5. Taking Hong Kong by surprise, there were also five red wines.

6. Neither stuffy nor severe, his extravagant frankness often takes the students by surprise.

7. After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures, the man took Howard by surprise.

8. The curfew was rare both in its scope and severity, catching many residents of Baghdad by surprise.

9. But Japan's government also seems to have been taken by surprise by the governor's remarks.

10. The timing of the launch seems to have caught some

observers by surprise. 英语nice surprise的双语例句

1. In fact, this Negri Sembilan lass has also included a couple of fast dances (the catchy Kylie Minogue number I Should Be So Lucky was a good effort, poor pronunciation notwithstanding), obligatory flashy costume changes, surprise guest artistes and nice stage choreography.


2. If you want to surprise the ones you love or simply make a very nice gift check out these links for more information about a single rose and especially about a single red rose.


3. The teen plumper got a nice surprise when her ass cheeks spread apart and the big cock slipped into her juicy ass.


4. Hi frieda, it was a reallly nice surprise to get your email. 你好,弗里达你的来信让我非常的惊喜。

5. Industrial production grew somewhat faster than expected, a nice surprise given PMI numbers that have shown China's manufacturing sector contracting slightly for much of the quarter.


6. You have been planning a nice surprise for someone this week.


7. It's no surprise that he's as successful as he is because,
