五年级除夕英语作文New Year 's eve

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五年级除夕英语作文New Year 's eve

atmosphere of the room.就像西方的圣诞节前夕到人,为中国,春节前夕,

范文一Like Christmas Eve to people of the west, for China, on the 也是一个有意义的夜晚,幸福和未来新的一年充满期待。随着灿烂的烟火照eve of the Spring Festival is also a meaningful night, happiness, and 亮了天空,节日序曲starting.No不管多么漫长和多么艰难的是,中华民族a New Year full of expectation in the future.With splendid fireworks 艰难跋涉很长的路回家庭团聚在家中的前夕。这已持续多年,春节联欢晚会lit up the sky, the festival overture starting. No matter how long and how difficult is that the Chinese nation trek on the eve of a long way back to the family reunion in a home.It has lasted For many years, is the Spring Festival gala on TV drama, the whole family to enjoy the delicious food and rich dinner, and watch the show together. For, each a terrible memory and unpleasant will stop in the evening, and bright here will start next year.Their wishes become cookies and faraway. In air For generation of colorful fireworks shinning gloss, the Spring Festival eve is considred as to the future, through a year of great summary, in the evening when everyone new began to open their mind.With the rapid increase of economy, people have little time with family.But on the eve of this, it might be a return, compensation, or for people who want to share with his or her family to enjoy.A relaxed conversation and joke around, on a cold winter night, the warm

电视节目是剧目,全家享受着美味的食物和丰富的晚餐,并观看演出together.For中,每一个可怕的记忆和不愉快将在此停止晚上,和灿烂明年也将开始在这里。他们的愿望成为饼干和在空气中传播faraway.For代烟花五彩缤纷闪光光泽,春节前夕是considred作为未来,通过一年的精彩总结,晚上当大家新的开始能够打开他们的心灵。随着经济的急剧增加,人们很少有时间陪家人。但在这前夕,它可能是一个回报,补偿,或对大家谁想要分享与他或她的家庭享受的机会。轻松的谈话和周围的笑话,在寒冷的冬夜,温暖的氛围的房间。范文二In the New Year ‘s eve, our family reunion, eat dinner, this is our common custom of New Year ‘s eve shou sui.There are historical records, the custom as early as in the northern and southern dynasties, later becoming popular, to the early tang dynasty, emperor taizong account with “shou sui “ poem:

“cold as winter snow, warm into the spring breeze. “Until today,

people in our country are still used in the New Year ‘s eve shou sui, outside the sound of firecrackers, indoor sitting around watching TV, the family howls of laughter...It is said that the earliest rice cakes for the offerings of god, of the eve of the old dynasty was used for ancestors, later to become Spring Festival food.在除夕之夜,我们全家团聚,吃年夜饭,这是我们普遍存在的除夕守岁的习俗。还有史料记载,这种习俗最早起于南北朝,以后逐渐盛行,到唐朝初期,唐太宗李世民写有 “守岁 ”诗: “寒辞去冬雪,暖带入春风。 ”直到今天,我国人民还习惯在除夕之夜守岁,屋外时鸣鞭炮,室内围坐看电视,一家人笑语连连 据说最早年糕是为年夜祭神、岁朝供祖先所用,后来才成为春节食品。
