一、买运动鞋的英语对话交流: A:Hi,Do you want me to show you anything? 您好,要我拿点什么给您看看吗? B:I'd like to buy a pair of sneaker. 我想买一双运动鞋。 A:Do you see anything you like? 您喜欢哪一款? B:Let me check out that pair, please. 请把那双给我看看。 A:Here you go. 给您。 B:Thanks,Can I try them on? 谢谢。我能试穿吗? A:Sure, how is the fit? Are they comfortable? 当然可以,大小合适吗?舒服吗? B: They fit well, thanks. How much? 蛮合适的,谢谢。多少钱? A:They list for 800 yuan. 标价800元。 B:Can you give me a discount? 能便宜点吗? A:The best I can do is a 20 percent discount. 最多可以打8折。 B:Great,I'll take them. 好的,我要了。 A:How do you pay? 您要如何付钱? B:Cash. 现金吧。 A:Ok.Here you go, have a nice day. 好了。祝您愉快。 二、简单的英语交流: A:Do you offer any quantity discounts? 如果我买的多会有折扣吗? B:Sorry, we don't. 不,没有。 A: Fine.Then give us two cases of this. 好吧,那我要两箱这种的。 三、买衣服的日常英语口语对话: A:Can I help you?我能帮你什么吗? B:Yes,I’m looking for a sweater — in a size medium.我在找毛衣,中号的。 A:Let’s see...here's a nice white one. What do you think?让我想想,这件白色的不错,你觉得怎么样? B:I think I'd rather have it in blue.我更希望要蓝色的。 A:OK...here's blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on?好的,这有件蓝的,你想要……吗? B:OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it?我喜欢这件,看上去很不错,这价格是多少? A:It's $60. It will be $63, with tax.60刀,含税63刀。 B:Perfect! I’ll take it.好极了,我买它。 四、售后的英语口语对话: A:I've got a problem with my vacuum cleaner. 我的吸尘器有一个问题。 B:Could you tell me what the problem is, sir? 能告诉我是什么问题吗,先生? A:Yes, I can. It keeps making a funny noise. And it's just not working properly. 好的。它总是有奇怪的噪音。而且它还不能正常工作。 B:You say it keeps making a funny noise ... 你是说它总有奇怪的噪音... A:Yes, that's right. 是的。 B:OK. Let's see if I can find someone who can help you. Could you hold the line, please? 好的。让我找一个能够帮助你的人。请稍等,好吗? A:Yes, of course. 好的。 五、买首饰的英语口语对话: A: Good evening, miss. What can I do for you? 晚上好,小姐。需要我为你做什么? B: Yes. I'm looking for a bracelet. 是的,我想买一个手镯。 A: What kind do you have in mind? 您想要什么样的? B: I'm not sure. Do you have some good introduce. 我还拿不定,你有什么好的介绍。 A: Ok.Wait a moment.How about this one. you can try it on. 好的,请稍等,这个怎么样,您可以戴上试一试。 B: Well.This fits me perfectly. 这个非常适合了。 今天我们就来学习一下“pickup”这个短语动词。这个短语动词的意思就多达十多种。我们先掌握它主要的几种用法。 开始之前,先来看一段笑话: Reducing Doctor handing a bottle of pills to an overweight patient, “You don’t eat them. Just spill them on the floor three times a day and pick them up one at a time.” 减肥 医生将一瓶药递给一个大腹便便的病人:“不必服用。每日倒在地板上三次,每次一片一片地捡起来。” 在以上这段笑话中,“pick up”的意思是“捡起;拾起”,这也是我们中国的学生们最先熟悉的一个意思。这时“pick up”后一般接表示物的名词或代词。 Would you please pick up that book from off the floor? 你能把那本书从地板上捡起来吗? 由此而来的类似的意思是指“收拾(某个地方)”: Son, pick up your room this instant or you are not going outside! 儿子,马上把你的房间收拾好,不然你就不要出去! I'm sick of picking up after you! 我烦透了跟在你后面收拾! 还可以指“找到;买到;获得”,这时通常有“顺便、偶然获得”之意: Would you pick up some milk on your way home from work? 你下班回家路上能买点牛奶吗? I picked up this tool at the hardware store. 我是在五金店弄到这工具的。 这个短语也可以指“学习(某样知识、技能)”: I picked up some Japanese when I was visiting Japan. 我去日本的时候学会了几句日语。 I picked up a lot of knowledge about music from my aunt. 我从我阿姨那儿学到了很多音乐知识。 如果短语后接“speed,rate, tempo”等词时,意思是“加速”: The plane picked up speed. 飞机加速了。 The conductor told the strings to pick up the tempo. 指挥叫弦乐部分加速。 以上用法都是接something作宾语,如果接someone,意思又有不同。最常用是“pick someone up”是指“用车接某人”: I’ll come by your house at 6 o’clock and pick you up. 我6点钟到你家接你。 如果是男女之间的“pick up”,则有“勾搭”之意: He had picked her up ata nightclub. 他是在一家夜总会勾搭上她的。 如果“pick up”的主语是police的话,那意思就变成了“逮捕”: The police picked the suspect up in a motel. 警方在一家汽车旅馆抓到了疑犯。 用法实在太多了!以下省略若干不同用法…… 等以上用法都掌握娴熟了,再去搞定其他的吧!或者,见到一个不同的用法就搞定一下,学一句算一句! 最后两个提醒: 很多不同的用法,其实可以从“捡起”这个本义来联想一下。 “pick up”所接宾语可以是人,也可以是物,可以接在“pick up”之后,也可以放在“pick”和 “up”中间,如果宾语是代词,那一般都是放在两个词的中间。 一.set up都有哪些意思? 1.set up 建造、搭造 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e7742bbc974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f61f298f.html