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雪糕[xuě gāo] 雪糕的英文释义:

ice cream ; snow ; popsicle

ice-cream;ice cream;Dreyers;popsicle 雪糕的英文例句:


A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass.


But a minute ago you wanted ice cream. 请来一个香草雪糕,两个菠萝圣代。

Please bring us one vanilla ice cream and two pineapple sundaes.


Use a popsicle to mix up a cup of hot coffee. 吃雪糕总是可以让尔文心情很好。

Eating ice cream always puts lrvin in a good mood. 保持无核葡萄在冰箱而不是冰棍和雪糕。

Keep seedless grapes in the freezer instead of popsicles and ice cream bars.


How many ice lollies can you count in the circle? 朱古力雪糕比朱古力蛋糕的脂肪含量较高。

Chocolate icecream has more fat than chocolate cake. 戴维的肚子越来越大,因为他爱吃巧克力雪糕和喝啤酒。 Dave is getting a big gut because he loves chocolate icecream and beer!


I could really go for a scoop of ice cream right now!

1. It's perverse of him to buy hot dogs when we want ice - cream . 我们要 雪糕,他偏买热狗,这个人脾气乖张.

2. Can I have a strawberry - ice? 给我一份草莓雪糕行 ? 3. Suitable for store and restaurant to store ice - cream, drinks and fresh tea. 适合商店、饭店,存放雪糕 饮料及鲜茶叶.

4. I don't like chocolate besides mixed chocolate and vanilla ice cream. 除了巧克力和香草混合口味的雪糕以外,我不喜欢巧克力.

5. She likes cream, but I do not like salad. 她喜欢雪糕 但不喜欢沙拉.

6. Ice Cram Mix is available in 6 flavors ; Vanilla, Chocolate , Strawberry, UbeYam, melon and Creamy Milk. 雪糕粉有香草 古力 草莓 香芋 密及牛奶共六种口味.

7. Anyone want a scoop of Barack Obama - inspired ice cream? 谁想要一勺由奥巴马启发的雪糕?

8. I could really go for a scoop of ice cream right now! 如果现在有一勺雪糕吃就好了!

9. We carried sticky ice cream cones into the large dark room. 我们将粘的雪糕筒拿进了昏暗的大房间里.

10. Please bring us one vanilla ice cream and two pineapple sundaes. 请来一个香草雪糕,两个菠萝圣代.

11. The boy ate his ice - cream, paidbill at the cash counter and left. 那男孩吃完雪糕后, 在柜台付了钱离开.

12. We have cream and apple pie, would you like some? 我们提供雪糕和苹果批, 你们要些 ?
