教学资源包人教版七年级下册英语 教学资源包 Unit 9 教材听力原文及译文

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Section A

1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture 听录音,在上图填空。你能找到埃above. Can you find Amy’s friend? Girl: Is that your friend? Amy: No, it isn t.

Girl: What does he look like? Is he short or tall?

Amy: Well, he’s really tall. And he has curly hair.

2a Listen and answer the questions. Conversation 1

A: Is that your brother David? B: No, it isn’t.

A: What does David look like? Is he tall or short? B: He’s tall. He’s heavy. And he has curly hair. Conversation 2 A: Is that Sally? B: No, it isn t.

A: Does Sally have long or short hair?

B: She has long straight hair. She’s of medium height. And she’s thin. Conversation 3

A: Is your friend Peter short or tall?

B: He’s short. He’s of medium build. And he has short hair.

2b Listen again. Fill in the chart. Conversation 1

A: Is that your brother David? B: No, it isn’t.

A: What does David look like? Is he tall or short? B: He’s tall. He’s heavy. And he has curly hair. Conversation 2 A: Is that Sally? B: No, it isn t.

A: Does Sally have long or short hair?

B: She has long straight hair. She’s of medium height. And she’s thin.


女孩:那是你的朋友吗? 埃米:不,不是。




有卷发。 听录音并回答问题。 对话1

A:那是你哥哥戴维吗? B:不,不是。

A戴维长 B:他又高又胖,而且他留着卷发。 对话2

A:那是萨莉吗? B:不,不是。

A:萨莉留着长发还是短发? B:她留着长直发,中等身高,而且 很瘦。 对话3

A:你朋友彼得个子矮还是高? B:他很矮,中等身高,而且留


再听一遍录音。填写表格。 对话1

A:那是你哥哥戴维吗? B:不,不是。

A戴维长 B:他又高又胖,而且他留着卷发。 对话2


Conversation 3

A: Is your friend Peter short or tall?

B: He’s short. He’s of medium build. And he has short hair.


A:你朋友彼得个子矮还是高? B:他很矮,中等身高,而且留

Section B

1c Listen and write Johnny Dean’s and Tina Brown’s jobs in the chart.

Laura: Don’t you love Johnny Dean, Bob?

Bob: Johnny...?

Laura: Dean. The singer.

Bob: I dont know. What does he look like?

Laura: He’s really tall and really thin. And he has

curly hair. And he has funny glasses. Look, there he is.

Bob: Oh yeah, I see him.

Laura: Here come the movie actors. Bob: Oh, wow!

Laura: Who’s your favorite actress?

Bob: I like that woman with long blonde hair.

Laura: Is she tall or short? Bob: She’s of medium height. Laura: Oh, Tina Brown?

Bob: Yeah. I think she’s really cool. She’s very

beautiful and a great actress.

1d Listen again. What do Johnny and Tina look like? Complete the chart in 1c.

Laura: Don’t you love Johnny Dean, Bob?

Bob: Johnny...?

Laura: Dean. The singer.

Bob: I dont know. What does he look like?

Laura: He’s really tall and really thin. And he has

curly hair. And he has funny glasses. Look, there he is.

Bob: Oh yeah, I see him.

Laura: Here come the movie actors. Bob: Oh, wow!

Laura: Who’s your favorite actress?

Bob: I like that woman with long blonde hair.



迪安吗? 鲍勃:约翰尼…… 劳拉:迪安。歌手。

鲍勃:我不知道。他长得什么样? 劳拉:他真的很高很瘦,留着卷发,

而且带着滑稽的眼镜。看, 他在那儿。

鲍勃:哦,是的。我看见他了。 劳拉:电影演员来了。 鲍勃:哦,哇!

劳拉:你最喜欢的女演员是谁? 鲍勃:我喜欢那位留着金黄色长发

的女士。 劳拉:她个子高还是矮? 鲍勃:她中等身高。 劳拉:哦,蒂娜布朗?


Laura: Is she tall or short? Bob: She’s of medium height. Laura: Oh, Tina Brown?

Bob: Yeah. I think she’s really cool. She’s very

beautiful and a great actress.

劳拉:她个子高还是矮? 鲍勃:她中等身高。 劳拉:哦,蒂娜布朗?

