心理咨询师岗位的职责说明 心理咨询师负责全平台前台客服运维管理,做好店内销售管理与培训。下面是小编整理的心理咨询师岗位的职责说明。 篇一 职责: 1.提供婚恋情感咨询分析指导; 2.提供婚姻情感的心理咨询和调解; 3.针对单方出现外遇、感情破裂等进行矫治干预; 4.为客户制定挽救婚姻或恋爱计划方案,并指导实施; 5.负责全程对来访者的资料信息的归纳和保存; 6.总结每个案例的疑点解决方案。 任职资格 1.本科以上学历,心理学、教育学、哲学等相关专业毕业或有专业的心理咨询师等级证书,心理培训资质认证,婚姻家庭、亲子等培训证书优先; 2.从事心理医生、心理咨询、婚姻家庭咨询,教育培训、社工、妇联等相关工作的优先; 3.有责任心、有耐心、有爱心、有一颗帮助他人之心; 4.热爱公益事业,具有高度的责任感和工作热情; 5.情商高、社交直觉较高、洞察力敏锐。 篇二 Specific Duties: Provide direct intervention to students with IEPs (Individual Education Plan) and BMPs (Behavior Management Plans). Developing IEPs and BMPs with families and teachers. Provide social-emotional support and training to students and staff. Track and analyze student behavior in the school setting. Provide crisis intervention and referrals to families in need. Requirements: Bilingual in Mandarin and English (writing skills and oral language) Teaching Certification and/or Master’s level degree in Education, Special Education, Counseling, or Health Related Services 2-3 years of work experience in a school based setting working directly with students with academic, behavioral and/or social-emotional difficulties at the secondary school level. Strong communication and writing skills. Able to work in a cooperative environment that requires flexibility. 篇三 职责: 1、能够针对客户的实际情况与婚姻及情感状况提出切实可行的解决方案,并能够辅助指导客户具体实施 2、关心来访者的心理状态,必要的情况下提供心理分析帮助,完成咨询到期客户的结案报告制作,提交等咨询结案工作及其他咨询部门全部工作。 任职要求: 1、有较强的逻辑能力和思维能力,处理事情分析问题条理清晰 2、有野心,敢于挑战高薪,不会自我设限 3、具有国家二级心理咨询师或婚姻家庭师从业资格证者或接受过相关正规心理咨询师系统培训,具备情感咨询相关工作经验。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e9ed6a5c75c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea76e4b20.html