Book Note Shipper:(发货人) Consignee:(收货人) Notify party:(通知人) Pre-carriaged by:(前程运输) place of receipt:收货地点 Ocean vessel:船名 place of delivery:交货地点 final destination:目的地 Container Seal no No of Kind of Gross Measuremeno集装箱&marks & container or packages; weight毛nt尺码/立号 nos铅封p’kgs description of 重 方数 号,标志箱数或件数 goods包装种 号 类与货名 Total number of containers of packages Say (in words)集装箱或件数合计(大写) Freight &charges 运费与附加费 Ex rate兑换率 Revenue Rate运费tons运费吨 率 Per每 运费预付prepaid 到付 collect NO(编号) 集装箱货物托运单 Prepaid at预付地点 Total prepaid 预付金额 Payable at 到付地点 No of original b/l 正本提单份数 Place of issue 签发地点 Service type on receiving Service type on delivery CY CY场站 Transshipment : permitted允许 Date of shipment Amount(usd) Partial shipment: prohibited(阻止) period of validity有效期 提单签发: 本文来源: