季羡林(1911年8月6日-2009年7月11日),字希逋,又字齐奘。中国著名文学家、语言学家、教育家和社会活动家,翻译家,散文家,精通12国语言。曾历任北京大学副校长等。季羡林1911年8月6日出生于山东省清平县(现临清市)康庄镇。幼时随马景恭识字。6岁,到济南,投奔叔父季嗣诚。入私塾读书。 7岁后,在山东省立第一师范学校附设新育小学读书。10岁,开始学英文。12 岁,考入正谊中学,半年后转入山东大学附设高中。 在高中开始学德文,并对外国文学产生兴趣。18岁,转入省立济南高中,国文老师是董秋芳,他又是翻译家。2009年07月11日八时五十分国学大师季羡林在北京301医院因突发心脏病病逝,享年98岁。 轶事:我的生日从旧历折合成公历是八月二日。由于一次偶然的笔误,改成了六日,让我少活四天——算是我的生日。“这件事也算得上季羡林生平中的一件趣闻。不过,这么多年来,他对自己生辰的讹误,听之任之,将错就错,不置一词,也颇耐人寻味。 青年季羡林1930年,考入清华大学西洋文学系,专业方向德文。1936年春,季羡林选择了梵文。1945年1O月,二战终结不久,即匆匆束装上道,经瑞土东归,"宛如一场春梦,十年就飞过去了"。离开哥廷根35年后的1980年,季羡林率中国社会科学代表团重访哥市,再谒83岁高龄的瓦尔德施米特恩师,相见如梦。后来作感人至深的名文《重返哥廷根》。1946~1983年,被北京大学聘为东方语言文学系教授、系主任,在北大创建该系。 每个人的童年都不一样,是欢、是喜、是悲、是哀.我们都应该从中有所收获,有所领悟.当然,也一定要学会成长、学会自强!只要心中有梦想,再大的困难也会迎刃而解.不要被周围那些琐碎的事情而动摇了追逐梦的信心和勇气,因为那不是你的终点,真正的终点是对美好未来的憧憬和希望! At the age of 6, he went to Jinan and defected to his uncle, Ji Jicheng. Enter private school to study. After the age of seven years, Xinyu Elementary School was attached to the First Normal School in Shandong Province. 10 years old, began to learn English. At the age of 12, he was admitted to Zhengyi Middle School and, six months later, he was transferred to Shandong University for high school. In high school, he began to learn German and became interested in foreign literature. At the age of 18, he transferred to the provincial high school in Jinan. The Chinese language teacher is Dong Qiufang, who is also a translator. At 8:50 on July 11, 2009, Ji Shulin, a master of Chinese studies, died at the age of 98 at the Beijing 301 Hospital due to a sudden heart attack. On July 11, 2009, Ji Xianlin died in Beijing 301 Hospital. Anecdote: My birthday is a Gregorian calendar from the old calendar. It is August 2. Due to an accidental clerical error, I changed it to six days and let me stay alive for four days - it was my birthday. "This incident is also considered an interesting fact in Ji Shenglin's life. However, over the years, he has left behind his own fallacy, and he will be wrong, wrong, and intriguing. Young Ji Lanlin was admitted to the Department of Western Literature at Tsinghua University in 1930 and specialized in German. In the spring of 1936, Ji Xianlin chose Sanskrit. In January and October 1945, soon after the end of the Second World War, they hurriedly packed the road and returned to the east through the earth. "It was like a dream, and it passed in a decade." In 1980, 35 years after his departure from Göttingen, Ji Xianlin led a delegation of Chinese social sciences to pay a visit to the city of Goethe, and then took up the 83-year-old Waldschmitt teacher and met with a dream. Later he made a moving and famous essay "Return to Göttingen". From 1946 to 1983, he was employed by the Peking University as a professor and head of the Department of Oriental Language and Literature. He established the department at Peking University. 从他的经历得出的启示:Everyone’s childhood is different. It is joy, joy, sadness, and grief. We should all gain from it and realize it. Of course, we must also learn to grow and learn to be strong! If we have a dream in our hearts, we must Difficulties will also be easily solved. Do not be shaken by the trivial things around to chase the dream of confidence and courage, because that is not your end, the real end is the hope for a better future! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ebc0c10d366baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45ff10.html