英文歌曲中英对照Hang Me,Oh Hang Me 请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧

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Hang Me, Oh Hang Me 请绞死我,,请绞死我吧

Hang Me. Oh, hang me, and I'll be dead andgone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 Hang Me. Oh, hang me. I'll be dead and gone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 I wouldn't mind the hanging, but the laying in the grave so long, poor boy, been all around this world.


I've been all around Cape Girardeau, parts of Arkansas. 我曾到过开普吉拉多。那是阿肯色州的一角。 All around Cape Girardeau, parts of Arkansas. 我曾到过开普吉拉多。那是阿肯色州的一角。

Got so goddamn hungry, I could hide behind a straw, poor boy, been all around this world.


Went up on the mountain, there I made my stand. 我爬上高山,利于巅峰。

Went up on the mountain, there I made my stand. 我爬上高山,利于巅峰。

A rifle on my shoulder and a dagger in my hand. 我肩上扛着步枪,手里拿着匕首。

Poor boy, I've been all around this world. 可怜的人啊,我早已看尽世间沧桑。

Hang me, oh, hang me and I'll be dead and gone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 Hang me, oh, hang me and I'll be dead and gone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 I wouldn't mind the hanging, but the laying in the grave so long, poor boy, been all around this world.


Put the rope around my neck. Hung me up so high.


Put the rope around my neck. Hung me up so high. 用绳子套住脖子,他们把我吊得好高好高。

The last words I heard them say: "Won't be long now 'fore you die" 我最后听见他们说:你很快就会死去。 Poor boy, I've been all around this world. 可怜的人啊,我早已看尽世间沧桑。

Hang me, oh, hang me and I'll be dead and gone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 Hang me, oh, hang me and I'll be dead and gone.

请绞死我,噢,请绞死我吧。反正,我已是将死之人,快要离开这个世界了。 I wouldn't mind the hanging, but the laying in the grave so long, poor boy, been all around this world.

