英语人教版六年级下册where did you do

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1.让学生尽可能多地调动学过的词句来谈论与winter holiday有关的话题。 2.在文本理解的基础上,让学生掌握多人参与话题的话题转换技能。 重难点:如何深入话题,如何组织学生讨论

教学设计 1. Warm up (1)Free talk

How was your weekend?出现一个日历

My last weekend was fine. I stayed at home and watched TV. But that weekend , I was so happy.

Because I went to Hangzhou.出现杭州的图片。

Here is Tongxiang , There is Hangzhou. Its not far. So I drove to there. here there加深一下,并加入一个过去式:drove (2)Look and say

What did I do in Hangzhou?激活有关假期的动作单词。 ate good( fresh\healthy\yummy) food

flew kites visit the West Lake rowed a boat bought gifts (3) I went to Hangzhou in February. Its spring. Did you go to Hangzhou in spring?

When did you go to Hangzhou? What did you do?(ask your friend)

出现杭州的四季图。在特定时间地点的环境创设下,希望激活更多词组。 同桌短暂交流后请同学展示。

2. Lets try

Who are they? How was their holiday?导入课本内容

Lets listen

Check the answers Listen and repeat

Listen and repeat是为了让学生仔细去听里面的全部内容。做题目抓关键词即可,现在我们把它当一个对话材料来让学生模仿。

Fill in the blanks

Amy: Hi, Sarah. How was your winter holiday? Sarah: Good. I went to Hang Zhou. Wu Yifan: Who did you go with?

Sarah: My parents. We went to see the West Lake. I bought some gifts.

Its for you, Wu Yifan. This is for you, Amy. Amy and Wu Yifan: Wow, thanks!

Fill in the blanks这一步的目的是强调词汇运用和信息理解的准确性。

Answer the questions and write the names so, what are they talking about?

They are talking about Sarahs winter holiday. Sarah answers. Who asks Sarah?

Amy and Wu Yifan.( write the names down)

让学生明白谁是这个对话的主角,因为三个人的话就会有主次之分了。write the names是为了在角色上为下一步作铺垫,而且让学生对三个人的对话该怎样进行有个思考。

When was your last winter holiday? It was from February 8th to March 7th.

为了解决下面over the winter holiday的理解。

3. lets talk

Look, they are talking again. What are they talking about now? Read it, and then answer my question. 找出对话的主角

look at the talk between Sarah and Amy

Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday?in winter holiday Amy: I went to Sanya.

Sarah: How did you go there? Amy: we went by plane.

Sarah: Can I see your pictures sometimes? Amy: Sure.


look at the talk between Wu Yifan and Amy Wu Yifan: Did you like it ?Sanya Amy: Yes, it was so warm.

Wu Yifan: How was the beach? Amy: It was beautiful.

Wu Yifan: what did you do there?

Amy: I took lots of pictures. And I went swimming, too. 理解,稍微改编一下对话。 see it again, read the new talk.

Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: I went to Sanya.

Wu Yifan: Did you like Sanya? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: How did you go there? Amy: we went by plane.

Wu Yifan: How was the beach? Amy: It was beautiful.

Wu Yifan: what did you do there?

Amy: I took lots of pictures. And I went swimming, too. Sarah: Can I see your pictures sometimes?

Amy: Sure.

整理过的对话,有利于问题的回答。 answer the questions:

Where did Amy go last winter holiday? She went to Sanya. How did she go there? She went by plane.

What did she do? She took lots of pictures. And she went swimming, too. 回答书本问题。 3. Say something more Who did you go with? Where is Sanya?

先完善课本对话内容。然后引导学生在前后加句子。 如: 前面可加 Wu Yifan: Hi, Amy. How was your holiday? Amy: It was great.

对话后延伸Amy: Sure. Look. These are my pictures. 书本还有两副图可以让学生输出。

4. Talk about your winter holiday. Work in groups(each group has 4 students ) 3 students ask questions, 1 student answers them.
