
时间:2023-02-14 16:07:47 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


一。 判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 “√”,不正确的打“×”

1. Bd 2. Dd 3. Ee 4. Gg 5. Li 9 Nice to meet you! JNice to meet youtoo! 6.Ra 7. Yy 8. Uv 9. Hh 10. Qo二.找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里 1Afish Bpen Ccrayon ( )2Amonkey Bred Cbear ( )3Aseven Bmilk Ceight ( )4Abread Bmilk Cleg ( )5A brown Bwhite Cbear

( )6Aelephant Brice Ctiger ( )7Aleg Bbody Cfour ( )8Ayellow Bblack Ccrayon ( )9Aface Bnine Csix ( )10Acat Bpig Cwater ( )11Apanda Bnose Carm

三.读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。 1What’s your name ? A4.

2May I have a look ? BMy name’s John . 3Nice to meet you . CYou ’re welcome . 4Thank you . DI’m from China .

5How many balloons? ENice to meet you , too . 6Where are you from ? FSure ,Here you are . 7Hello! HHi! 8Good morning. IOk

10 Thank you. K I’m six years old.

11How old are you? LYou're welcome. 12 Let’s go to school! MGood morning. 四.把下面数字从小到大排列,只填序号。 three one four nine seven two eight ten six five

( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( ) 五.选择最佳的答案,只填其代号。

( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

AHow are you ? BGood morning ! CHello ! ( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名___________________

AHello ! BWhat’s your name ? CMy name’s Chen Jie . ( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________________ AHello! I’m John . BHi! John . CThis is John . ( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说______________________ AHello! BGood morning ! CSee you .

( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li Ming , 应该回答____ AI’m Li Ming . BHello ! Li Ming . CThis is Li Ming .

六.英汉互译连线。 1rice 2. blue 颜色 3 water 橙色的 4. colour

5. ear 大象 6. school 米饭 7.orange 蓝色 8.elephant 耳朵 9.yellow 黄色的 10.three 学校 七.选择正确的答语

( ) 1. What colour is it ? A. Sure . Here you are . ( )2. What `s your name ? B. Oh , how nice ! ( ) 3. How are you ? C. Not very well . ( ) 4. Can I see it ? D. It `s red and blue . ( ) 5. Look at my pen . E. My name `s Gaowei. 八选择正确答案填空,完成对话。

ASure BLook CCan DThank you Ehave A I a plane. B I see it A : Here you are. B . A : You're welcome.


A. B.


D . E.

1. Show me your pencil-box. 2.Black ,black. Stand up.

3.---Lets draw an orange. ---OK! 4.---Goodbye, Zip! ---See you, Zoom! 5. ---Good morning! --- Good morning! 十看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。 1.

A. duck B. dog 2.

A. pencil B. pen

3. A. ruler B.eraser 4. A. panda B.


5. A A.leg B.foot


three read book duck six sing bag dog _____




blue orange _____


B. ruler C. cat D. white E. eight
