公司刻章介绍信范文怎么写 公司的印章非常重要,有时候公司更名等问题,需要重新刻章,因此就要写介绍信。便函式的介绍信,用一般的公文信纸书写。下面是小编为你带来的公司刻章介绍信范文,一起来看一看吧。 ****(刻公章的地方): 兹证明我单位**同志,因公务需要到贵处办理重新刻财务章事宜。 日期 公章 (带**同志身份证) 我单位XXX前去XXX处办理“刻制财务专用章”事宜,请见信办理为盼。 XXXX公司 XXXX年XX月XX日 xxxx: 我单位xxxxx因变更下属分支机构名称,全称为xxxxx,现需刻制xxxx章各一枚。特委托xxxx公司刻字门市部xxx壹人前往贵局联系办理刻章事宜。 望予批准! XXXX公司 XXXX年XX月XX日 公司抬头VISA OFFICE,CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICASHANGHAI, CHINA日期Dear Sir/Madam: 公司名字 its compliments to the visa officer of Consulate General of the United States of America , and has the honor to inform you that 人名 is visiting Miami, USA to participate SPESA 2007 show on May 8-10, 2007. Our company shall look after all the expenses, including international and local transportation, accommodation including lodging and food, medical care, health insurance and all other expenses. The people mentioned above will go back China after the show. 公司名字 would like to take this opportunity to renew its highest considerations. Thanks and Regards! 公司名字落款盖章也可以列表形式列出详细内容: 人名拼音 护照号码 职位 The Embassy of Germany in Beijing 此处写单位英文名称 People’s Republic of China Presents its compliments to the Embassy of Germany in Beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of entry visas of Germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving China on October, 3, 2008. 此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Germany the assurances of its highest consideration. 此处写英文单位名称,并盖章 July 5, 20XX 本文来源: