初中英语 人教中考Be动词+形容词+介词的短语

时间:2022-08-27 02:04:30 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
一、be +adj+of

1. be afraid of…(terrified of/ scared of/)害怕···

2. be full of…充满··· 3. be fond of…喜欢··· 4. be proud of对···自豪 5. be tired of厌恶··· 6. be sick of对···厌烦 7.be sure of确信做·· 8. be certain of确信 9. be short of缺乏··· 10. be careful of…注意,留心 11. be ashamed of…对 ...感到羞耻 12.be aware of…意识到

13. be confident of…信 ...,确信 ... 14. be worthy of值得···

二、Be +adj + with

1. be popular with受…欢迎的

2. be angry with......的气 = be annoyed with

3. be busy with 忙于做… 4. be filled with 充满 5. be pleased with对··满意 6. be disappointed with对···失望 7. be strict with 对···严格 8. be satisfied with对···满意

9. be happy with 对···高兴 10. be patient with对…有耐心 11. be covered with被··覆盖

12. be concerned with牵涉到,与 ...有关,参与,挂念,担心

三、 be + adj + about 1. be sorry about对··遗憾 2.be sure about 确保··

3. be worried about= be anxious about对··焦虑

4. be curious about…对 ...好奇 5. be nervous about对···紧张

四、be + adj + at

1. be good / bad at… 不擅长··· 2. be surprised at 对···惊讶 3. be amazed at…对.......感到惊讶 4.be sorry at 对···抱歉 5. be mad at…对…非常恼火

6 be angry at......生气= be annoyed at

五、be + adj + for 1 be late for 迟到···

2 be good / bad for 对···有好处/坏处 3 be / get ready for准备好··


4 be / feel sorry for对··抱歉 5 be known for“因......而著名”

be known as:意为“作为......而著名”, be known to: “为......所了解/知道”,He is known to all in our village. be known in:意为“在某地很著名”。

六、be + adj +to

1. be kind to sb 对···友好

2. be good / nice / bad / friendly to sb 对···友好

3. be useful /helpful /harmful / grateful / thankful to sb for sth 4. be similar to 和··相似 5. be polite to sb对某人礼貌 6. be rude to sb对某人粗鲁 7. be close to 离···近 8. be married to与……结婚 9. be blind to视而不见 10. be dear to宝贵的

11. be true to忠于生活,逼真 12. get used to 习惯于···

七、be + adj+ from

1. be different from 与···不同 2. be far from / (反义词)be close to 3. be free from 免于···

4. be absent from缺席···

八、be + adj+in

1. be interested in对··感兴趣 2. be weak in 在···薄弱 3. be strong in 在···有优势 4. be similar in 在···方面相似 5.be successful in在···成功 6. be strict in 严于做 7. be rich in富于,富有 8. be poor in贫穷

9. be dressed in+(衣服) 穿着...... 10. be experienced in在···有经验

