智多星初一音标&c资料 1.元音 [i:] [a:后元音 ( 5 个 ) ] 前元音 ( 4 个 ) 单元音 12个 [i] [e] [?] [?] [u:] [?] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] [h] [l] 元音 20个 双元音 8个 [?:] [?:中元音 ( 3 个 ) [?] ] 合口双元音( 5[ei[ai个 ) ] ] 集中双元音( 3[i?[u?个 ) ] ] [u] [au] [θ] [?] [?i] [??] [?u] 辅音 28个 清辅音 ( 11 个 ) 浊辅音 ( 17 个 ) [t?] [d?[b] [d] [ɡ] [v] [z] [e] [?] ] [m] [n] [?] [j] [w] [r] [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] /i:/ E [i:] green [ɡri:n] see [si:] / i / It [it] big [biɡ] little ['litl] /e/ bed [bed] head?[hed] letter ['let?] /?/ apple ['?pl] map [m?p] cat [k?t] /a:/ park [pɑ:k] start [stɑ:t] far [fɑ:] /?:/ door [d?:] horse [h?:s] walk [w?:k] /?/ hot [h?t] watch [w?t?] body ['b?di] /u:/ school [sku:l] blue [blu:] moon [mu:n] /u/ book [buk] good [ɡud] look [luk] /?? / mother ['m?e?] up [?p] luck [l?k] /?:/? bird [b?:d] word [w?:d] her [h?:] /?/ about [?'baut] later ['leit?] mother ['m?e?] /ei/ A [ei] day [dei] late [leit] /ai/ hi [hai] night [nait] like [laik] /?i/ boy [b?i] soil [s?il] enjoy [in'd??i] /?u/ old [?uld] most [m?ust] hope [h?up] /au/ out [aut] loud [laud] how [hau] /i?/ here [hi?] near [ni?] idea [ai'di?] /u?/ sure [?u?] poor [pu?] tour [tu?] /??/ air [??] hair [h??] wear [w??] 2. 辅音 (1).清辅音 /p/ picture ['pikt??] please [pli:z] people ['pi:pl] /?t/ take [teik] today [t?'dei] to [tu:] /?k/ cake [keik] kite [kait] come [k?m] /f/ fine [fain] fun [f?n] from [ fr?m] /s/ six [siks] kiss [kis] say [sei] /θ/ thank [θ??k] thing [θi?] think [θi?k] /?/ sure [?u?] shop [??p] ship [?ip] /t?/ chicken ['t?ik?n] child [t?aild] chip [t?ip] /tr/ tree [tri:] train [trein] trade [treid] /ts/ cats [k?ts] gets [ɡets] lots [l?ts] /?h/ hat [h?t] have [h?v] hello [he'l?u] (2).浊辅音 /b/ boat [b?ut] big [biɡ] boy [b?i] /d/? dog [d?ɡ] day [dei] daddy ['d?di:] /ɡ/ go [ɡ?u] good [ɡud] glass [ɡlɑ:s] /v/ very ['veri] video ['vidi?u] vase [ves] /z/? zoo [zu:] zero ['zi?r?u] clothes [kl?uez] /e/? them [eem] they [eei] father ['fɑ:e?] /?/ television ['teli,vi??n] pleasure ['ple??] measure ['me??] /d?/ job [d??b] jeep [d?i:p] change [t?eind?] /dr/ dress [dres] dream [dri:m] drop [dr?p] /dz/ reads [ri:dz] cards [kɑ:dz] birds [b?:dz] /?l/ life [laif] little ['litl] leave [li:v] /m/ my [mai] many ['meni] may [mei] /n/ no [n?u] not [n?t] know [n?u] /?/? bring [bri?] think [θi?k] going ['g????] /?j/ yes [jes] yellow ['jel?u] yesterday ['jest?di] / w/ window ['wind?u] what [w?t] will [wil] /?r/ red [red] read [ri:d] remember [ri'memb?] 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f263a9b524c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f6ecab.html