拔萝卜 英文童话剧 Pull the carrot

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拔萝卜 英文童话剧

表演时间:202212 6


小马 Horse ——小松子 小狐狸 Fox——乐儿 小兔子 Rabbit ——小醒 小鸡 Chick ——小宝 小猫Cat ——明为

道具: ___明为__妈妈 (萝卜地 种子 洒水壶 胡萝卜 花朵) 服装:各自购买,统一风格

现场指挥与校方联系__小醒___妈妈 综合管理___小宝__妈妈 背景音乐剪辑___小松子__妈妈 编剧_乐儿____妈妈


HorseI am a horse. I like carrot. I'll plant some seeds. Fox: I am a fox. I am strong. I'll water the seeds. Rabbit: I am a rabbit. what a lovely day. Chick: I am a chick.Look! Beautiful flowers. Cat:I am a Cat. Oh ,A butterfly. I'll catch it.



1 小马上场——小松子

Horse:I am hungry.Oh.My carrot grows up.Horay! I will pull it up. 1. 2.3 Pull.(可改为儿歌:pull pullcarrot,put the carrot oh yeah) It's too heavy. I can't pull it up. Little fox ,Little fox, come to help me!

2 小狐狸上场——乐儿

乐儿F: Hello, Little horse, What are you doing?

小松子H: Hello, Little fox. A carrot. A big carrot, It's too heavy. I can't pull it up.Can you help me? 乐儿F: I can help you. Let's pull it together. 小松子HOk .

小松子,乐儿H&F : 1. 2.3 Pull. We can't pull it up.

pull the
乐儿F: .Little Rabbit ! Little Rabbit . Come to help us!

3 小兔上场——小醒

小醒R: Hello,my friends,What are you doing? 乐儿F: A carrot,A big carrot,It's too heavy.

小松子,乐儿H&F: We can't pull it up.Can you help me? 小醒R: ok. Let's pull it together. 小松子,乐儿H&F: ok.

小松子,乐儿,小醒 R&H&F: 1. 2.3 Pull. We can't pull it up. 小醒R: .Little chick! Little chick! Come to help us!

4 小鸡上场——小宝

小宝C: Hello,my friends,What are you doing? 小醒R:: A carrot,A big carrot,It's too heavy.

小松子,乐儿,小醒 R&H&F : We can't pull it up.Can you help me? 小宝C: I can help you. Let's pull it together. 小松子,乐儿,小醒 R&H&F :Ok. 1. 2.3 Pull. We can't pull it up.

小宝C:.Little Cat! Little Cat! Come to help us!

5 小猫上场——明为

明为C: Hello,my friends,What are you doing? 小宝C: A carrot,A big carrot,It's too heavy.

小松子,乐儿,小醒 ,小宝R&H&F&C: We can't pull it up.Can you help me? 明为C:: I can help you. Let's pull it together.We must work hard.We must pull it out. 小松子,乐儿,小醒 ,小宝,明为R&H&F&C&C: 1. 2.3 Pull. (拔出萝卜)

小松子,乐儿,小醒 ,小宝,明为: oh yeah.the carrot is up! We'll eat it together. (谢幕)

小松子,乐儿,小醒 ,小宝,明为: Thank you.
