
时间:2023-02-15 16:00:40 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Our prince Hamlet becomes doubtful after the disaster of his family. He dares not to believe others any more. he did not trust his friends Marcellus and Horatio. One the other hand, Hamlet does not believe what the ghost says. He plans a play to prove whether the ghost is good or not. Here is what Hamlet says: observe my uncle. If his occulted guilt do not itself unkennel in one speech, it is a damage ghost that we have seen” (Act 3 Scene 2 Line 80 to 82).


Hamlet also becomes cruel and rude.

1 at the queens house, hamlet thinks the person who was behind the curtain is Claudius, and then he kills him. But when he finds it is Polonius, he doesnt fell sorry about his death. He even say; thou wretched rash, intruding fool, farewell, I took thee for thy better. Take thy fortune: thou findst to be too busy is some danger” (Act 3 Scene 4 Line 32 to 34). ophelia及其父兄都是很无礼

2, he treats the queen cruelly. “That blurs the grace and blush of modestyproclaim no shame when the compulsive ardour gives the charge, since frost itself as actively doth burn and reason panders willin the ran sweet of an enseamed bed , stewd in corruption, honeying and making love over the nasty sty! (Act3 Scene 4 Line 41 to 94). His words are so cruel to his mother. He says what he wants to say and doesn’t pay any attention to his mothers feeling. 母子感情好像很单薄,原因?王后与先王感情又如何?只知道先王对王后很好,风都不舍得吹着她p22

3, his actions to Ophelia are so rude. “Lady, shall I lie n your lap/ no my lord thats fair thought to lie between maids legs” (Act 3 Scene 2 Line 110 to 117).

Hamlet thinks too much and is hesitate. When Claudius is praying, its a chance for hamlet to kill him. However, Hamlet doesnt want to send Claudius to the heaven. He gives up this chance, them Hamlet becomes a tragedy. “Now might I so it pats, nowa is a-praying and now I’ll do it this physic but prolongs thy sickly days.” (Act 3 Scene 4 Line 72 to96).

Besides, our prince is very brave. When he has the first dating with the ghost, he shouts loudly to his friends: by heaven, I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me. I say, away. (Act 1 Scene 4 Line 85 to 86).

In a word, his suffering changes his characteristic

from a gentle prince to a smart, doubtful, cruel and rude man.

He should have revenge, for the throne, for his father & mother. However, he also thinks that if he revenges for those, he will be the same as his uncle, a person who is full of evil ideas. Then he delayed his revenge, and his inner is full of contradictions of revenge.

Two reasons of his delay.1.in order to grasp the throne, his uncle had to get rid of hamlet, the heart of suffering, for consolidating his political power. He also planted the spies around hamlet to monitor his words and behaviors. In this case, H had to postpone his revenge plane and his hesitation was showed.2.H knew the difficult task of his revenge. He not only wanted to revenge his father, but also he wanted to reverse the tide. Faced with these dual tasks, he wanted to take actions but did not know how to act.

He is a thinker not a doer.

The reasons for Hs depression1.hs ideals have been shattered after he came back Denmark. He became depressed. He is a humanist, a man


who is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions. He is a play writer or a scholar, think or writes love friendship and some other beautiful things; he has an unbounded love for the world instead of the heaven. The world for him is this goodly frame the earth, this most excellent canopy the air, the brave oerhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire.” as a humanist, he cherishes a profound reverence for man, and a firm belief In mans power and destiny: “what a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angle! In apprehension how like a god such a delight in nature and man is characteristic of humanists of the renaissance.2. The next leading reason for his melancholy character is deserted. Once he loved god and hated evil. He adored his father, loved Ophelia and greeted his school-fellows with hearty welcome. When he knows that his father was died and mother takes new husband. His uncle even usurped the throne.不再相信亲情友情与爱情,三观全被推翻了,整个人生都崩塌了。彻底郁闷了.

