幽默用英语怎么说? humorous His stories are spiced with humor . 他的小说里有很多幽默风趣的片断。 2.Her humor adds salt to her conversation . 她很幽默,谈起话来妙趣横生。 3.Some of his humor has not worn well . 他的某些幽默文字不能持久。 4.His humor provided some welcome light relief . 他的幽默可使人松了一口气。 5.He used humor and pathos with equal facility . 他将幽默与煽动平均地利用。 6.There is a slight tinge of humour in it . 这里边有点幽默气味。 7.A funeral is not the place for humour . 葬礼不是幽默的场合。 8.For the first time tommy showed a touch of humour . 托米第一次显出一点幽默。 9.Yet she is not devoid of humor and high spirits . 不过她并不缺少幽默和兴致。 10.A great deal of frontier humour was oral . 边疆幽默有一绝大部分是由口头传述的。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fcb824025afafab069dc5022aaea998fcd224043.html