托业考试内容:阅读part7阅读理解 160. What is the puupose of the letter? (A) To make a complaint (B) To inquire about a discount (C) To request repair services (D) To place an order Answer:____(答案反白可见)A 161. What can NOT be inferred from the letter? (A) Selvac model 12 is a poor-quality product. (B) Martha Simmons expects a quick response. (C) Martha Simmons used to work for Selvac. (D) Selvac advertises its products on television. Answer:____(答案反白可见)C 162. What is enclosed with the letter? (A) A product order form (B) A copy of the warranty (C) A return envelope (D) A proof of purchase Answer:____(答案反白可见)D 托业考试(TOEIC)是什么? 托业考试,英文全称是Test of English for International Communication,简称TOEIC。是测量母语非英语国家的高级职业人士英语交流水平的考试。它由开发了托福考试的美国ETS考试中心研发,有“商业托福”的美誉,是世界的商务及职业英语考试。 为什么要考托业? 1.提升网申简历:在很多大公司的网申中,除了CET,托业考试赫然写在英语考试一栏中; 2.为面试增加更多机会:宝洁、安永、IBM、中行、华为、联想等公司对托业高分者可免英语笔试; 3.备考周期短题型简单:托业考试听力阅读考试所有题型都是选择题,备考周期一般在一到两个月; 4.机考报名容易出分快:每年有多次考试时间供选择,网上报名,机考形式,考后两周即可查成绩。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fd1131b8aa956bec0975f46527d3240c8547a1b2.html