
时间:2022-03-29 16:00:30 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.The fact ____ she works hard is well known to us all. A.that B.what C.why D.which

2.The fact ____ he was successful proves his ability. A.that B.what C.which D.why

3.The news ____ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly. A.what B.that C.why D.when

4.His suggestion ____ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A.which B.that C./ D.it 5.I have no idea ____ he will start. A.when B.that C.what D./

6.I've come from the government with a message ____ the meeting won't be held tomorrow. A.if B.that C.whether D.which

7.The thought ____ he might fail in the exam worried him. A.when B.which C.what D.that

8.The order ____ the prisoner be set free arrived too late. A.which B.whether C.that D.what

9.The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient's fear ____ he would die of the disease. A.that B.as C.of which D.which

10.He often asked me the question ____ the work was worth doing. A.whether B.where C.that D.when


1-5 AABBA 6-10 BDCAA


Step1 找出下列句子中的同位语:

1.The youngest boy, Peter, refused to accept the money

2. We four were greatly touched to hear the old mans story

3.He has read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. 4.Second and most importantly, you must set off with a gun in the night 5.Thats her habit, reading in bed

6.Your suggestion, to strike while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea 7.Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother's.

8.He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor. 9. Im looking for a job driving cars

10.Football, his only interest in life, has brought him many friends 11.We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. 12. He is interested in sports, especially ball games.

Step2 找出下列句子中的同位语从句和关系词:

1.The possibility that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed 2. We are not looking into the question whether he is worth trusting 3. The question whether to confess or not troubled the girl 4. The news that our team has won the game was true. 5. The news that he told me yesterday was true. 6. I have no idea where I should go.

7. I have no idea how I can get to the railway station.

8. The suggestion (that) she has given at the meeting is good. 9. The suggestion that she should stay in the room is good.

Step3 巩固练习:

1The fact _ __ she works hard is well known to us all 2I will find him he may be.

3He often asked me the question ___ the work was worth doing 4 wants to see this film can go with us tonight. 5I have no idea ___ he will start

6I've come from the government with a message __ the meeting won't be held tomorrow7You can take seat you want.

8The fact __ he was successful proves his ability 9. l have no idea he will be back

10. He must answer the question he agrees to it or not.

11. Xiao Wang has solved the problem the TV was out of order .


同位语从句练习 用适当的连接词填空:

1.It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning gray.

2.I have no idea _____ we can do with these waste materials.

3.____the doctor really doubts is____my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. 4.It is hoped____nature will never be destroyed.

5.____do you guess will give a talk on English tomorrow? 6.-- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. -- Is that ____ you had a few days off? 7. Word came____I was wanted at the office.

8.Do you know ____of them will be our new headmaster? 9.The teacher didn’t tell me ____we were wrong.

10. It’s generally considered unwise to give a child ____he or she wants.

.单项选择 It was true _____ Alice did surprised her mother.

A. that B. what C. that, what D. what, that 2. Does ____matter much ____he can’t come to the meeting. A. it, if B. that, if C. it, whether D. this, whether 3.--What are you anxious about? -- ____

A. How can we succeed B. Whether we can succeed C. When can we succeed D. That we can succeed

4.The reason ____the little actress has been such a success is ____she is both clever and hard-working.

A. why, why B. why, that C. that, because D. for, because 5. ____leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. The person 6.I really don’t know _____I had this photo taken.

A. where it was that B. it was that C. where it was D. it was why 7.? Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember ____. A. where B. there C. which D. that 8.--What do you think of China?

--____different life is today from ____it used to be.

A. How, what B. What, what C. How, that D. What, that 9.Give this to ____you think can do the work well.

A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever

10.____troubles me is ____I can’t learn all these English idioms by heart. A. That, that B. What, what C. That, what D. What, that

答案A. 1. that 2. what 3. what, whether 4. that 5. who 6. why 7. that 8. which 9. where 10. whatever


