内容摘要:近年来,我国房价呈现快速上涨的态势,各地炒房团和投资者进行投资性购房,而有些中低收入者无法满足基本的住房需求,为了遏制房价继续上涨,国内70个大中城市出台限购政策。受限购政策的影响,各地住房成交量明显下降,“限购令”也给不同城市和居民造成了不一样的影响,指出当前形势下限购令政策对房地产市场的影响,更重要的关系到房地产金融的健康稳定,在此基础上,提出必要的风险防范建议,促进金融的稳定同时实现商业银行的稳健经营。 关键词:限购令;投资需求;天津房地产金融;津十条Abstract: In recent years, the house price of China has been showing a trend of rapid rise, the real estate investors and investment buyers all over the country have been doing investment purchases, at the same time, some low-income people can not meet their basic housing needs. In order to curb the successive rising housing prices, 70 domestic large and medium cities released the restriction policy. Because of the impact of the restriction policy, the turnover of housing in various regions decreased significantly, "the Housing Restriction Policy" also has different effects on the residents of different cities. Points out the current situation,restrictions on the policy’s impact on the real estate market,more important is related to the healithy and stable real estate finance,on this basis,put forward the necessary risk prevention advice,promote financial stability at the same time to realize the stable operation of commercial banks. Key Word: the Housing Restriction Policy Investment demand Tianjin real estate finance ten enforcement advice to Tianjin 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fe6b9e896137ee06eff918b6.html