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quiet的副词形式是quietlyquietly的用法和例句如下: 1、描述动作或行为:表示某种动作或行为以低声、轻声或悄悄地进行。

She tiptoed quietly out of the room.(她轻轻地蹑手蹑脚地走出了房间。)

The baby slept quietly in his crib.(婴儿在婴儿床里安静地睡着了。)

He spoke quietly to avoid disturbing the other patrons.(他小声说话,以免打扰其他顾客。)

2、描述心情或状态:表示某人感到平静、镇定或不慌不忙。 She sat quietly and watched the sunset.(她静静地坐着,看着夕阳。)

The students worked quietly on their assignments.(学生们安静地做着作业。)

He waited quietly for his turn to speak.(他静静地等待着轮到他说话。)

3、描述地点或环境:表示某处安静、平静或没有噪音。 The library was quiet except for the sound of turning pages.(图书馆里很安静,只有翻书的声音。)

The countryside was quiet and peaceful.(乡村安静祥和。) The museum was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.(博物馆非常安静,连针掉地上的声音都能听到。)
