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英语中,hard difficult 修饰事物的时候,可以表示“困难的、艰难的”,但是在修饰人的时候,则更多的指的是性格的挑剔或者铁石心肠。换句话说,也就是很难懂、很难搞。

Summer Colin 老师就带大家来学习一下吧⬇️


对照笔记一起学习,效果最好。 01.


have difficulty doing

I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. 我费了好大的劲想说服她离开。

I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood. 我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。 02.

做某事有困难 have trouble doing

We have trouble getting staff. 我们在招聘雇员方面有困难。 03. 困难,麻烦 hassle

All this paperwork is a hassle. 这些文件都特别麻烦。

Cooking is too much of a hassle tonight. 今晚做饭太麻烦了。

04. 出错 go wrong

Everything is going wrong for me today. 今天我做什么都出错。

What could possibly go wrong? 能出什么问题呢? 05. 倒闭,破产 go under

The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意如果还没有起色,这家公司会倒闭。 我差这么一点儿就要破产了。 06.

付诸东流,白费 come to nothing

Their plans have come to nothing. 他们的计划都白费了。

All his hard work has come to nothing. 他所有的辛勤劳动全部付诸东流。 07. 破产 fold

The business folded. 生意失败了。

The store folded through lack of success. 这家店没做成功,破产了。 08. 衰退 falter
