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【#新概念英语# 导语】为了方便同学们的学习,®文档大全网为您精心整理了“新概念英语第三册Lesson38~40重点句型解析”,希望有了这些内容的帮助,可以为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助!如果您想要了解更多新概念英语的相关内容,就请关注®文档大全网吧!


  1、What is more they will not have to rely solely on the written word.

  what is more 更有甚者,起到承接上下文的作用,是 furthermore,moreover 的意思

  what is worse 更糟糕的是

  rely on = count on = depend on 依靠、指望

  -- you can`t rely on others.

  -- He can`t be relied on / depended on / counted on.

  solely adv.地


  =only , just , nearly

  2、They will be able, as it were, to see and hear us in action.

  in action 行动中的,活动中的

  as it were 可以说,似乎,好象,是一个插入语,在语法上是一个独立成分,可以用于任何时态语句中。

  -- He is as it were a walking dictionary. 他可以说是一本活字典。

  -- Computers can never as it were lead independent lives. 电脑不能过独立的生活。

  As it is = in fact = in reality = actually = as a matter of fact 事实上

  -- I thought things would get better,but as it is ,they are getting worse.

  -- In many ways children live as it were in a different world from the adults.


  3、But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.

  be faced with 面临

  = be in the position in which one must deal with a problem or unpleasant situation

  -- Automobile industry is faced with a bad future now.

  -- A great many people are faced with losing their jobs.

  -- In my opinion,you are faced with a problem as it were how to get enough time to study English.

  文中 attempting to reconstruct the distant past 现在分词修饰 the historian,所以句子可转换为:

  4、But the historian who is attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.

  -- The student attempting to learn Eghlish well in a year is faced with a difficult task.

  5、He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available.

  available adj.可利用的

  -- I have a dictionary available for you .

  -- is there a place available for us to have a chat?

  -- I know you are in need of a help,but excuse me,I don`t have any students available for you.

  6、Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man.

  remains = ruins 遗迹,遗物

  insignificant = unimportant 不重要的

  shed light on = throw light on = cast light on 解释,说明,揭示

  = make a matter clear or understood

  -- This information shed light on the problem.

  -- Can you shed light on the case of the fire? 你能够解释这次火灾吗?

  -- She will shed light on the case of stolen jewels.

  Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of

  agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the


  up to now = so far 到目前为止

  come into being = come into existence 产生,出现

  come into 的用法:

  -- come into power 上台

  -- come into use 开始使用

  be faced with a real need to do sth. 面临着做某事的真正需要

  -- We are faced with a real need to learn English well.


  get sb to do sth :persuade/advise sb to do

  Please get them to finish the work as quickly as possible.

  Please get hi to give up smoking.

  be littered with 布满

  be pitted with holes 坑坑洼洼

  even though :even if

  not in the least: not at all /not a bit / not the least bit 一点也不

  反:not a little = very much

  by no means /in no way /on no account /at no times /under no circumstances 绝不

  a mere: only

  It was not (to say)……..

  dusty track = dusty road 尘土飞扬的路面

  look back 回头看

  we looking back, wondering (从句做伴随状况语) if we were leaving a trail of oil an d petrol behind us.

  give way to 为……所代替

  The great clouds gradually broke up and give way to blue sky.

  He has no intention of giving way to your demands.

  In response to: in reaction to


  He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house.

  Before he had hardly had time to settle down, he sold the house.

  We had hardly had time to worry about what might happen when we were back on the plane again.


  be to do结构

  1. should

  2. must

  3. intend

  Such a private thing should be avoided.

  Such a private thing is to be avoided.

  No students must leave school without the permission of the police.没有警察的允许,谁都不准离开。

  No students are to leave school without the permission of the police.

  We intend to start a work next week.

  We are to start a work next week.

  be grateful to sb. for sth.

  that went on=that happened

  as he pleased 随他的意愿做

  four more=another four


  at this 听到

  At the words, he got angry.听到这话,他生气了。

  With the words, he left the room angrily.说完这话,他生气地离开了房间。

  pointed out ironically 讥讽地指出

  hardly be necessary 大可不必


  under discussion/arrest/repair

  make a telephone call 打一个电话


