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【#三年级# 导语】习主席已经宣布我国进入了社会主义发展新时期,并且成立了开放更加宽泛的自贸区,减少外国进入我国开创事业的一系列繁杂手续,预示着中国同世界有更进一步的交流了,那么我们当然应该从小就开始培养交流的能力,以积极地态度去面对发展。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。


(   )1.  A. bus     B. bed  C. like 

(   )2.  A. song    B. snow  C. swim 

(   ) 3.  A. milk    B. music  C. monkey 

(   )4.  A. fly      B. friend  C. football (   )5. A. tree      B. rain    C. photo 


(   )1. A. This panda is fat.         B. This panda is thin. 

(   )2. A. Lingling likes fish.         B. Lingling likes rice. 

(   )3. A. We go swimming in summer.         B. We go skating in winter. 

(   )4. A. Amy has got a bike.         B. Amy has got a kite. 

(   )5.A. She goes to school on Mondays.       B. She goes to work on Saturdays. 


(   )1. A.      B.   (   )2. A.      B.   (   )3. A.     B.   (   )4. A.    B.   (   )5.A.    B. 

四. 听录音,给下列图片排序。将你听到图片的序号填入相应的括号内,每小题听三遍。(每小题2分,共10分)     

(    )        (    )     (    )     (    )      (    ) 


(   )1. My favourite colour is red. 

(   )2. Do you like meat? 

(   )3. In autumn, he goes fishing under the tree. 

(   )4. Have you got a book about animals? 

(   )5. It’s hot and sunny today. 


(    )1. A. It’s in the box.       B. It’s fat. 

(    )2. A. Yes, I have.          B. Yes, I do. 

(    )3. A. It is a tiger.          B. They are tigers. 

(    )4. A. Yes, she has.         B. Yes, she is. 

(    )5.A. I ride my bike.       B. Yes, I do.       



  1. music  2. rice  3. elephant  4. science  5.meat 6. lion   7. maths  8. banana   9. art     10.tiger 科目:________   _________   _________   ________    食物:________   _________   _________ 动物:________   _________   _________

二、Choose the different one. 我会找不同。(10分)   

 (   )1、A.  meat     B.  pear     C.  orange     

 (   )  2、A.  car      B.  bike     C.  noodles     

 (   )  3、A.  milk     B.  apple   C.  toy     

 (   )  4、A.  tiger     B.  big      C.  panda 

 (   )  5、A. football    B. basketball  C. fish  


(    )1. My favourite song is the ABC song. 

(    )2. Tom goes to the zoo on Saturdays.  

(    )3. Look at the dog. It’s thin.  

(    )4. The sweater is on the bed. 

 (     )5. ---What are they?            ---They’re trees. A.    B.     C.      D.        E. 


(   )1. What’s this?         A.I go swimming in summer. 

(    ) 2. What do you do in summer?  B. Here you are. 

 (    ) 3. Please pass me the book.     C. No. I haven’t. 

(    ) 4. Does your mum go shopping on Sundays? D. It’s a TV. 

(    ) 5. Have you got a red bag?       E.  Yes, she does. 


1、I _____football. I _____like table tennis.     A.  like  does  B.  like  don't  C.  likes  doesn't    

2、——Does Lingling like meat?     ——_______________. A. Yes, he does.  B. No, he does.   C.Yes, she does.   

 3、It's _____in winter. A. cold       B. cool         C.hot   

4、It's warm today, _____ it's raining. A. and         B. but        C. too   

 5、——Have you got a book?       ——Yes,  __________.        A. he does       B. I don't     C. I have   

6、Daming goes fishing _____ the tree.     A. under        B. in         C. On 

7、——What do you do in summer?         ——I  _____ A. go swimming  B. goes swiming   C. go swiming 

8、——what _____ do_____at school? ——I  have music A. do;has  B. do;have  C. does;have 

9、In spring,Daming _____a kite in the park A. fly  B. flys C. flies 

10、Here is a present_____you. A. to  B. for   C. in 


(  )1. 你想问艾米:“玲玲有一条蓝色的毛衣吗?” 应该这样问:     A.Have Lingling got a blue sweater?    B.  Has Lingling got a blue sweater ?   

(  )2.你想告诉萨姆艾米喜欢足球,你应该这样说 A.He likes football  .     B. Amy likesfootball. 

(  )3. 你想了解汤姆星期一是否上学,你应该这样问: A. Does Tom go to school on Monday ? B. Do Tom go to school on Monday ?   

(  )4. 你想知道玲玲早上上什么课,你应该这样问: A.What does Lingling do in the morning? B. What does Lingling have in the morning? 

(  )5.大明问他的笔在哪里,你想告诉他笔在书包里, 你应该这样说:__________ A.It’s on the bag. B.It’s in the bag. C.It’s behing the bag 

 三年级英语试卷听力原文 听力部分(60分) 


1. .bed 2. Coat  3. Snow    4. Milk    5. Friend   6. Rain 


 1. This panda is fat.   2.Lingling likes rice. 3.We go skating in winter. 4.Amy has got a bike. 5.She goes to school on Mondays.  


1. The monkey is behind the box. 2. Here is a blue T-shirt. 3. She goes to work by bike. 4. They like morning exercises. 5. We have English in the morning. 

 四. 听录音,给下列图片排序。将你听到图片的序号填入相应的括号内,每小题听三遍。(每小题2分,共10分) 

1.  He watches TV on Sundays. 2. It’s spring now. 3. The boy is fat. 4. My mother likes milk and apples every day. 5. We have Music today. 


(   )1. My favourite colour is yellow. (   )2. Do you like meat? (   )3. In autumn, he goes fishing under the tree. (   )4. Have you got a book about basketball? (   )5. It’s hot and sunny today. 


  1. Where is the cat? 2. Do you like football? 3. What are they? 4. Has she got a pen? 5. What do you do in the morning?


一.BBABB 二.1---5 ABBAA 三.1---5BBBAB 四.41352 五.1---5 FTTFT 六.1---5ABBAA          笔试答案 一1479;258;36、10 二ABCBC 三EDBAC 四DABEC 五1---5BCABC 6---10AABCB 六BBABB

