
时间:2022-03-30 11:30:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是©文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。



  M R U G K


  f e b d j


  biscuit hats ice gloves juice



  1.D( a q d ) 2. i ( I L T ) 3. F ( n f m ) 4. r ( R V S ) 5. E ( a b e)


  1. noodles  gloves  dress  scarf

  2. orange cake   banana peach

  3. pencil rubber   ruler pizza

  4. bed   bus   car    train

  5. red   socks  green yellow


  ( ) 1.当小朋友想下公共汽车时,会说:

  A.Get in the car

  B.Get off the bus

  ( ) 2.小红想吃热狗时,小红对服务员阿姨说:

  A.May I have a hot dog

  B.May I have a pizza

  ( ) 3.老师问你住在哪里,你回答老师

  A.I live in Hefei.

  B.Have some soup

  ( ) 4.你和小朋友说:“我喜欢跑步”

  A.I like to swim

  B.I like to run

  ( ) 5.当你过马路时看见红灯,你会说:

  A.Red light,stop

  B.Green light,Go


  Read and circle(圈出和其他单词不同类型的单词)

  1. bear monkey panda pencil

  2. fat thin eye short

  3. head friend knee arm

  4. skip walk climb boy

  5. red ruler blue green

  6. apple pear peach bird

  7. rabbit cat sheep read

  8. cake chick bread hamburger

  9. look ear eye mouth


  Circle the correct sentences(圈出正确的句子)

  1. A This is a elephant.B This is an elephant.

  2. A I can see a mouth.B I can see an mouse.

  3. A Have some peaches.B Have some peachs.

  4. A I have an orange.B You hava a orange.

  5. A They has some toys.B They have some toys.

  6. A The girls is short.B The boys are tall.



  歌曲________ 加油________ 球队________ 肉________ 米饭________ 糖果________ 孩子们________ 生姜________ 好的、好吃的________ 洋葱________ 冰淇淋________ 自行车________ 风筝________ 苹果________ 球棒________ 骑(车)________ 飞________


  1. 我喜欢英语歌。I like the ABC ________.

  2. 它是我最喜欢的运动。It’s my ________sport.

  3. 我喜欢足球运动。I like________.

  4. 加油!A队!Come ________, ________ A.

  5. 你喜欢什么? What do you ________?

  6. 我喜欢你的自行车。I like ________ ________.

  7. 让我们来骑我的自行车。Let’s ________ my ________.

  8. 让我们来放我的风筝。Let’s ________ my ________.

  9. 我喜欢吃肉。I like ________.

  10. 我不喜欢吃面。I ________ like ________.

  11. 给你吃糖。________ for ________. (注:句子开头的单词首字母要大写)

  12. 你们是好孩子。You are good ________.

  13. 面条和米饭真好吃!________ and ________ are very ________!(句子首字母大写)


  ()1. What do you like?A. Thank you.

  () 2. Rice for you .B. Yes, I am.

  ()3. Are you a good boy?C. noodles.

  ()4. Let’s fly a kite.D. Great. Let’s go.

  ()5. N is for ________.E. I like basketball.

