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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语Part3部分是口语考试中最难的一个部分,所以需要大家在备考的过程中要予以相应的重视。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语part3之水上运动素材,欢迎阅读!




  1. What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

  2. Do you think it’s necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

  3. Why should we develop water sports?

  4. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?


  1. What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

  Compared with indoor sports, outdoor sports take place in an open area, which means people haverelatively more space to do what they want. Plus, outdoor sports allow us to breathe in much morefresh air, so they’re probably better for our state of health. However, the major disadvantage ofoutdoor sports is that they’re subject to weather conditions. If it’s raining outside, it might beinconvenient for us to continue doing outdoor sports, whereas indoor sports wouldn’t be affectedat all under the same conditions.

  2. Do you think it’s necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

  I believe that learning how to swim is necessary for everyone. To start with, swimming is a life?saving skill that comes in handy when dangerous situations in water occur. We just don’t knowwhether we might stumble into a life-threatening situation, so we’d better preemptively prepare.Another reason is that swimming can keep us healthy in its unique way. Learning how to swim cangive us an alternative sport to play in order to stay healthy.

  3. Why should we develop water sports?

  Generally speaking, I think water sports keep us healthy in their unique way and develop skill setsthat can benefit us forever. Take swimming for example. Swimming on a regular basis helps usmaintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart. Moreover, swimming enables us to build endurance,muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, which can help us lead a much more productive life.

  4. What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

  Swimming and rowing are two of the most popular water sports nowadays. A lot of cities havebeen well-developed to the point where standard swimming pools are quite common, so swimminghas become a pretty accessible and low-cost water sport for many people. In addition, manypeople see swimming as a necessary skill and a way to relax with friends in a scorching summer,so it’s very popular. Rowing is quite popular at tourist attractions, where people can get thrilledand excited as they’re rowing a boat on a rapid river.



  Describe an advertisement you remember well

  You should say:

  Where you saw it

  What it was about

  What it was like

  Why you remember it well


  有一次过年看春晚的时候中间插播这条广告。讲的是父亲得了健忘症,甚至记不清自己儿子长什么样子。 但是有一次出去吃饭,看到两个饺子就直接装进口袋里,说:“这是给我儿子带的,我儿子最喜欢吃这个。广告不长,但是当时看完这个广告我已经热泪盈眶了。

  I’d like to talk about a public service advertisement which I saw when I had dinner with my family on Chinese New Year’s Eve. The ad told a story about paternal love, with no explicit expression of love or great deeds done by somebody, but trivial matters in daily life that illustrate how a father always cares about his son. The ad was told from the perspective of a son. It mainly talked about a father, who suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease(患老年痴呆症, he couldn’t remember what he had done, where he lived, or even what his son looked like. There was a time when the father had dinner together with his son and some relatives. The father saw some dumplings on a plate. Without saying anything, he put two dumplings into his pocket. The son sitting next to him was confused and asked about the reason. The father replied slowly, “These are for my son. These are his favorite.”. The advert was not very long and after the last two lines my tears were already swirling in the rims of my eyes(泪水在眼眶中打转). What made it worse was that my parents were just by my side (在我旁边. I tried so hard to keep the tears back(强忍住泪水) so that the New Year Eve’s vibe(除夕的气氛) would not be spoiled(毁掉).

3.雅思口语Part 1 和 Part 2 问答

  每次提到雅思口语中的自然表达,大家可能最多想到的是流利度,流利地表达, 表达就很自然了。其实在这里我们更加侧重的是 natural,不是 fluent。之前遇到过很多口语表达都很 fluent 的学生,每个问题最后一个词一出,就非常迅速地条件反射似的冒出一大堆答案,表情往往都没怎么变化,要么就是眼睛向左上方或者向右上方斜着。Part 1 和 Part 2 都是一个调调一个语速,听着都可以睡着。例如:

  Q: Do you like sunny days or rainy days? (Part 1)

  A: I like sunny days because in sunny days I can go out and play with my friends or have a picnic with my family.

  Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

  A: I like to read books in my free time or play basketball with my friends.

  在大家的答案里,天气好就一定会出去玩儿,喜欢的运动不是跑步就是打篮球, 因为很健康,有空就一定会读书。有一次我问学生一个 Part 2 的衍生问题,学生的The first个反应就是:“老师,这个题目不是题库里面的。” 也有很多学生问我要“标准答案”。很多学生走入的误区就是,准备好题库的标准答案,就万事大吉了。所以很多学生准备的结果就是,每道题都有了标准“perfect”的答案,但每一题都不是自己的真实答案,所以就出现了文章开头那种流利但不自然的表达。



  很多雅思题目,不管是第几部分,其实都跟我们的生活息息相关,例如其中一个Part 2 的高频题目,Describe a trip that you used public transportation, 很多同学拿到题目一下子想不出来说什么,大部分人不可能哪里都没有去过,哪怕是自驾游,我也可以改变下交通方式也能说点什么。

  根 据 Part 2 里面涉及到的相关问题,把自己的一次经历带入到题目里面去。为什么不能编故事?因为编出来的故事细节不会到位,显得非常枯燥无味,不够真实,甚至到最后连时间都说不到。自己的故事能够体现一些小细节,还可以提到一些有意思的小插曲, 让内容更加生动,能让考官的脑海中形成画面感。


  很多同学遇到的一个问题就是:讲不长。很大一部分原因就是不知道要加合适的例子,很多时候都是讲到 Part 3 部分的时候,例如:What kinds of people do you like to be friends with? 很多同学的回答都是 patient,kind,smart 以及为什么,但总感觉缺了点什么,这个时候就是该例子上场的时候了,同学们可以举一些自己身边的朋友, 他们身上的什么吸引了你们。例如:

  I like to be friends with people who are honest, because I hate people who tell lies. For example, my friend Luca, we've been friends for about 10 years. He is the person I can really trust, because he never lies. He is a reliable friend.


  雅思口语要注意不要用那些烂掉牙的理由,或者例子,运动除了篮球和跑步以外, 还可以有棒球,甚至你也可以根本不喜欢运动,只要你可以给出合理的理由。天气好了不用一定要出去散步或者和朋友玩耍,还可以去河边发发呆,或者单纯地去晒个太阳也好, 因为有些地区晴天确实少见。有意思的答案,才是很不错的“标准答案”。刀不误砍柴工”, 读“透”题干后,要善于利用语境 “合理预测”来缩小范围,必能事半而功倍。




  如果好好看各个评分项,你会发现6分那一栏有个can be understood, make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies, rarely cause comprehension problems等等,简单来说,意思能表达清楚即可,容易理解等等。


  按照牛津词典来说:to express what somebody has said or written using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand.


