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【篇一】地铁的好处 The Advantages of Metro
Last week, I went to Guangzhou with my friends. We were so excited about the trip, it took us three hours to arrive in Guangzhou railway station. At first, we were so confused about how to get out of the railway station, then we saw the big sign which showed us to take the metro. When we got to the subway station, a big picture was showed in front of us, we figured out our way quickly. When we were in the metro, we counted the time, we never thought it was so quickly, we just spent ten minutes to reach our destination, we found our hotel soon. Metro is so convenient, we don’t have to go out of the railway station, we just need to find the subway’s entrance. What’s more, it is very fast, unlike bus, which will turn around many roads, metro just goes the straight line. 上周,我和朋友们去广州玩。我们对这次的旅游很兴奋,我们花了3个小时到到广州火车站。一开始,我们不知道怎么样走出站,然后我们看到了一个大的指示语,指示我们去搭地铁。在我们到达地铁站的时候,一幅大大的地图展示在我们面前,我们很快就找到了路。我们上了车,数了下时间,从来没有想到会这么快,我们仅仅花了十分钟就到达了我们的目的地,并且很快就找到了宾馆。地铁很方便,我们不用走出火车站,只需要找到地铁站的入口。而且,地铁也很快,不像公交车,到处拐路线,地铁就走直线。
【篇二】成长的烦恼 The Annoyances in Growing Up
Since I go to high school, I have many annoyances. On the one hand, I am under great pressure on my study, I need to take the exams every month, once I am falling behind other students, I will feel that I am not doing well. I always want to be the best, but things can’t go on my way. On the other hand, I don’t want to talk to my parents, if they ask me the questions, I will answer them with few words. I think they won’t understand me, so I am not willing to communicate with my parents. I know I am in the adolescence, my body grows fast, changes happen on me, my emotion is unstable. So I need to learn to adjust myself and get used to these changes. I need to open my heart and have less pressure. 打从我上高中起,我就有很多烦恼。一方面,我在学习方面面临很大的压力,我每个月都要参加很多的开始,一旦比别的学生落后,我就会觉得我做得不好。我总是想要成为第一名,但是事情并不总是按照我的意愿走。另一方面,我不想要和我父母交流,如果他们问我问题,我就三言两语搪塞他们。我觉得他们并不了解我,因此我不愿意和父母交流。我知道我处于青春期,我的身体长得很快,我身上发生了变化,情绪变得很不稳定。所以我学着去调节自己,适应这些变化。我需要打开心扉,减少压力。
【篇三】神奇的4D The Amazing 4D
As the development of the technology, people can enjoy what the high-technology brings. Before, people watched the movie with watching the screen, but in the recent years, the new technology called 3D gives people the enjoyable way to enjoy the movie. The special feature of 3D is that it gives people the real vision, when people put on the 3D glass, they will feel as if they are in the movie, witnessing all the things happens. But now, 4D is coming, it is more advantaged than 3D, it makes people feel more closer to the scene. When there is shocking things happened, the chair will move a little, people feel what’s happening in the movie. The high technology brings people a lot of fun, in the future, I believe that there will be more and more high technology invented. 随着科技的发展,人们可以享受到高科技所带来的一切。以前,人们通过看屏幕来看电影,但是近些年来,一种称为3D的新技术给人们来到了观看电影的愉快方式。3D的特别之处在于它给人们带来了真实的视觉,当人们戴上3D眼镜,他们会觉得似乎就在电影里,见证了所有的事情。但是如今,4D也出来了,它比3D更加的先进,让人们觉得更加的接近场景。当电影里发生了大事件时,椅子就会震动一下,人们感受到在电影里面发生的事情。高科技给人们带来了很多乐趣,在将来,我相信会发明出越来越多的高科技。
高中生英语作文:地铁的好处 The Advantages of Metro.doc正在阅读: