
时间:2021-07-29 16:05:59 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】歌颂共产党,没有共产党,就没有新中国,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  A great country, a great party, the red sun shines everywhere,

  The great people stand up to heaven and earth,

  Great armies hold on to guns,

  Great leader Mao Zedong, leading us forward, the sea can't stop, the mountain can't stop, the mountain can't stop!

  The great country, the great party, the banner of revolution flying high,

  The great people are not afraid of wind and waves, and the great army has a firm pace,

  Great leader Mao Zedong, leading us forward, the motherland to be rich and strong, mankind to be liberated, mankind to be liberated!

  Dear party! We compare you to the red sun, but the sun in your heart is our new generation.

  Our great leader Chairman Mao once said: "the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours.

  You are like the sun at eight o'clock in the morning, and your hopes rest on you. "

  I firmly believe that we are a seed in the fertile soil and a sunflower in the sunshine. Under the care of the party and the warm sunshine, we will grow vigorously and build our motherland into a more prosperous and powerful tomorrow.

  My friend, I am proud of the era we live in. Whether we enter the classroom in the morning sun or leave the campus in the sunset, whenever we look up at the bright red sun, my heart is agitated. We bathe in the sun's brilliance and let us sing happily; We look forward to a better future, let's fly Red hope!


  Always follow the party to the mountain to see the banner, the drum and horn hear... "When you recite the great man's poems in the superior and warm classroom, do you use it Have you ever asked yourself how this wonderful thing came from? When you stand under the bright red flag, do you revere the rising flag?

  When I was a child, I often heard grandpa hum in his arms: "Oriental red, sun rising, China has a Mao Zedong..." yes! As the sun rises, our country has been developing continuously under the leadership of a generation of party leaders. Our technology is changing day by day; Our lives are getting better and better. High rise buildings rise from the ground, rockets fly to space like dragon, satellites like horses to the moon... These major events have laid China's international position, and the people's most hope is to have a prosperous motherland.

  Spring shoots take root and sprout in the shower of spring rain, and we thrive in the embrace of the party. Let's hand in hand, heart to heart, always follow the party!


  Our generation was born in the new peaceful era of socialism. We can grow up happily in this environment. All these benefits from the correct leadership of our great party. Therefore, each of us should love, support, support and repay the party with a grateful heart.

  Every day, we can study in this spacious and bright classroom, with beautiful campus and hard-working teachers. All these are given to us by the party and are the constant efforts and efforts of the party for our study. Speaking of this, I can't help but show the busy figure of the party in Wenchuan earthquake in order not to delay the study of children in the disaster area. Our party extended a helping hand to the children in the disaster area. Bring them safety, warmth and blessings. Party members all over the country also donated money and materials to them. This touching picture is a scene that I will never forget in my life. It is the party that cares about and cares for the people from the perspective of the people at the critical moment, so that we can have a beautiful growth environment.

  I can be born in the arms of the party, is the happiness of my life.

  Whenever the national flag is raised high, my heart is surging. The powerful notes in the majestic national anthem tell me that I have shouldered the glorious historical task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I am grateful to be able to live in such a rich material civilization today. The old generation of revolutionary predecessors exchanged our incomparably superior life with their blood. Therefore, I have a sense of urgency. I must study hard and devote myself to study with exuberant energy. I am not afraid of hardship. I am really hardworking and hard-working. We are the flowers of our motherland. The new generation of leaders shine on our growth just like the sun. I am grateful. I want to serve our motherland. I want to go to the remote frontier and guard our country seriously. I want to be a scientist and make rockets fly high. I want to be a worker and offer a nail and iron for our motherland. I want to be a militarist and command our army to fight the imperialist invasion and escape with its tail between its legs. Ah, I love you. I'm looking for you.


  How time flies! Today, we are celebrating the 100th birthday of the great Communist Party of China. Whenever I mention the Communist Party, I will think of a song "No Communist Party, no new China". Whenever I hear this familiar melody, I feel a little excited. Now we are like flowers in the greenhouse, happy life, but who thought, today's happiness how to come?

  In 100 years, in China, a great political party was born. She is the Communist Party of China. After 100 years of trials and hardships, she is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

  We compare the party to a mother. She raised us with milk and left us happiness. But we don't know how much suffering she experienced behind her in order to make the people live a good life. How many people give their precious lives? Isn't that the unknown spirit we should have? Our red scarf is with their blood and patriotism will be more red!

  At this time, I understand that the party supports us, encourages us, and leads us with her strength. We are all the children of the party. If we do not cherish the good life and study hard, can we live a happy life today?


  The great Communist Party of China has been founded for 100 years. In the past 100 years, many outstanding sons and daughters of the party have devoted themselves to the cause of the party, the liberation of mankind, and the prosperity of the motherland. I was deeply moved by so many heroes and models who could sing and play. Especially the famous scientists Qian Xuesen and Qian Sanqiang. And aviation hero uncle Yang Liwei. In my dream, I want to fly to the universe by Shenzhou spaceship.

  These great scientists and heroes. They are gifted, patriotic, and studious. Grandfather Qian Sanqiang said: "at all times and in all over the world, all those who have made achievements and made contributions to human beings are the result of down-to-earth and arduous climbing." From the bottom of my heart, I admire these great people who have made contributions to mankind. But I feel inferior. I feel more stupid than others. Especially in the composition, I have something to say but I can't say it. I don't know where to start. Sometimes I can't express myself, sometimes I make mistakes. I'm afraid of hardships and difficulties in learning Chinese. I want to play computer games. I think of Red Army soldiers climbing mountains and grass, and they are not afraid to die in the hail of bullets. When I encounter some small difficulties in learning, I flinch. Isn't that a coward? Many heroic examples show that party members are not afraid of death.

  I must learn from their spirit.


  A hundred years of struggle creates a hundred years of glory, and the great cause calls for a thousand years of glory. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, as well as the connecting year of the party's "two centenary" goals and the beginning year of the 14th five year plan. In the past 100 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the country is peaceful and the people's life is prosperous.

  As a member of the Communist Youth League and a Chinese, I have a profound understanding of China's rapid development and a heart of excitement and hard work for the unprecedented great changes China is facing. If you want to be true, you must study hard. For learning, we must really learn, be good at learning, and practice learning to achieve the unity of knowledge and practice. Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, to lay the foundation for the development of China in the new era, as the old saying goes: if you want to know the road, you must first be history. Rich ideological resources and practical wisdom are contained in the heavy hundred year history of the party, which provides rich nutrients for us to strengthen our faith and confidence. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenaries", the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way is about to start. To unremittingly learn the "compulsory course" of party history, we must unswervingly arm Xi Jinping's mind and guide practice with China's new socialist ideology. It is a long journey to practice socialism with our own practical actions, only through struggle. We should stick to our original intention, shoulder our mission, study the history of the party, understand our thoughts, do practical things, and open up a new situation. We should strive to start a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way with high spirits, and greet the centenary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements.

  Before the crisis, we should show our nature. When the epidemic broke out, the western society of "freedom and democracy" suddenly turned into a mess. The facts have eloquently proved that the human rights based on the safety of people's lives and property are the real human rights, and the freedom to safeguard human dignity is the real freedom. Under the unified command of the Party Central Committee, China has become the safest country. The Chinese people have finally realized how happy and lucky we are!

  If you have faith in your heart, you can go far. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been restored through reviewing the history of the party, and I have a deeper understanding that there is no new China without the Communist Party. The leadership of the Communist Party is the fundamental guarantee for China's national rejuvenation.

  The centenary of the party is the centenary of fulfilling the original mission, the centenary of laying a solid foundation, the centenary of creating brilliance and opening up the future“ History is the best sobering agent. Looking back on the Centennial course of the party, we should know that there is no glory waiting for, only brilliance. To win an all-round well-off society and move towards national rejuvenation, the great cause of the new millennium calls on each of us to stick to our original mission, create glory and create brilliance together.

