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Dr是Doctor的缩写形式。 2. abide [ə'baɪd] v.忍受,容忍 例句: You have to abide by the referee's decision. 你必须服从裁判的决定。 3. abreast [ə'brest] ad.并排,并肩 例句: The planes were flying four abreast. 飞机分成四架一排飞行。 4. acclaim [ə'kleɪm] vt.称赞 n.赞赏 例句: His work was acclaimed by art critics. 他的作品受到艺术评论家的推崇。 5. acupuncture ['ækjʊ,pʌŋktʃə] n.针刺(疗法) 例句: I had acupuncture in my lower back. 我在后腰上做了针灸。 6. advent ['ædvent] n.(sing.)出现,到来 例句: Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。 7. adversary ['ædvəs(ə)ri] n.对手,敌手 a.敌手的 例句: He saw her as his main adversary within the company. 他将她视为公司中主要的对手。 8.afloat [ə'fləʊt] ad./a.①漂浮地(的)②在船上地(的) 例句: Somehow we kept the ship afloat. 我们想方设法使船没有下沉。 9. agitate ['ædʒɪteɪt] v.鼓动 vt.使焦虑,使不安 例句: His family are agitating to get him freed. 他的家人在多方游说将他释放。 10. ail [eɪl] v.①困扰 ②(使)得病,(使)难受 例句: This initiative is not the answer to what ails our educational system. 这一方案并不能解决我们教育体制的弊病。 11. akin [ə'kɪn] a.(~tosth.)相似的 例句: Something akin to panic overwhelmed him. 一种类似惊恐的感觉使他不知所措。 12. align [ə'laɪn] v.(使)排成一行 vt.与……结盟 例句: Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition. 教会领袖和反对派站在了一起。 13. allot [ə'lɒt] vt.(按份额)分配,配给 例句: Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision. 每天设法抽出两三个小时复习。 14. allude [ə'luːd] vi.(to)暗指,影射 例句: I didn't allude to anybody or anything. 我并未影射任何人或任何事。 15. allure [əˈljʊə] vt.引诱,诱惑 例句: Rewards allure men to brave danger. 重赏之下,必有勇夫。 16. almighty [ɔːl'maɪti] a.全能的,万能的 例句: Money is not almighty. 金钱并不是万能的。 17. amass [ə'mæs] vt.(大量地)积累,积聚 例句: He amassed a fortune after the war. 战后,他积累了大量财富。 18. amiable ['eɪmiəb(ə)l] a.和蔼可亲的,亲切的 例句: The driver was an amiable young man. 司机是位和蔼可亲的年轻人。 19. analog(ue) ['ænəlɒɡ] n.[C]类似物,相似体a.①模拟的 ②(钟表)指针式的 例句: The first generation of cell phones are analogue, commonly known as "Big Brother. " 第一代手机是模拟制式的,俗称“大哥大”。 20. anguish ['æŋgwɪʃ] n.极度痛苦,苦恼 例句: Mark looked at him in anguish. 马克极为痛苦地看着他。 21. annex [əˈneks] vt.并吞(土地等),兼并 例句: The Baltic republics were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940. 1940年,波罗的海诸共和国被苏联吞并。 22. antagonism [æn'tæg(ə)nɪz(ə)m] n.对抗,敌对 例句: There is still much antagonism between environmental groups and the oil companies. 环境组织与石油公司之间仍有很多敌意。 23. antenna [æn'tenə] n.①触角,触须 ②(电视的)天线 例句: They erected a television antenna on the roof. 他们在屋顶上竖起了电视天线。 24. antonym ['æntənɪm] n.反义词 例句: Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 给出这个词的同义词和反义词。 25. ape [eɪp] n.类人猿vt.模仿 例句: Man has evolved from the ape. 人是从类人猿进化来的。 26. appal(l) [ə'pɔːl] vt.使惊骇 例句: The way we kill animals appals a lot of people. 我们这样屠杀动物令许多人震惊。 27. apprentice [ə'prentɪs] vt.当学徒 n.徒弟,学徒 例句: She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice. 她在美发店当学徒。 28. arbitrate ['ɑːbɪtreɪt] v.仲裁,公断 例句: A committee will arbitrate between management and unions. 将有一个委员会来仲裁资方和工会的争端。 29. ardent ['ɑːd(ə)nt] a.①热烈的 ②热心的 例句: Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career. 他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望。 30. aspire [ə'spaɪə] vi.追求,渴望,有志于 例句: He aspired to become a lawyer. 他渴望成为一名律师。 31. assorted [ə'sɔːtɪd] a.各种各样的,混合的 例句: The bowl contains assorted hard sweets. 碗里装着各种硬糖。 32. assortment [ə'sɔːtmənt] n.各种各样 例句: The shop has a rich assortment of goods. 这个商店有各种各样的货品。 33. astray [ə'streɪ] ad.(go~)迷途 例句: The letter had gone astray in the post. 这封信寄丢了。 34. asylum [ə'saɪləm] n.①(政治)庇护,避难 ②精神病院 例句: He has been granted asylum in France. 他在法国获得了政治庇护。 35. atrocity [ə'trɒsəti] n.(尤指战争中的)暴行,残忍行为 例句: Seeing such a terrible sight before his eyes, he was savaged by his enemy's atrocity. 看到眼前这恐怖的场景,他被敌方的暴行激怒了。 36. audit ['ɔːdɪt] n.①审计 ②审查vt.①审计 ②旁听 例句: Start with an audit of existing services within the community. 从检查社区现有的服务开始。 37. augment [ɔːg'ment] vt.扩大,增加,提高 例句: Any surplus was sold to augment their income. 所有多余的东西都被卖了来增加他们的收入。 38. autobiography [,ɔːtəbaɪ'ɒgrəfi] n.自传 例句: He published his autobiography last autumn. 他去年秋天出版了他的自传。 39. avenge [ə'vendʒ] vt.为……报仇 例句: He wanted to avenge his brother's death. 他要为弟弟的死复仇。 40. backyard ['bækjɑːd] n.(住宅的)后院 例句: The old man grew vegetables in his backyard. 老人在屋后院子里种了蔬菜。 41. bait [beɪt] n.(sing.)①饵 ②引诱物 vt.招惹,挑衅 例句: We used worms as bait. 我们用小虫子作诱饵。 42. barge [bɑːdʒ] n.[C]平底载货船,驳船 vi.冲撞,乱闯 例句: Students tried to barge into the secretariat buildings. 学生们试图闯进秘书处大楼。 43. barometer [bə'rɒmɪtə] n.①晴雨表,气压计 ②指标,标志 例句: The skin is an accurate barometer of emotional and physical health. 皮肤是准确的晴雨表,可以反映一个人身心的健康状况。 44. barracks ['bærəks] n.①营房 ②简陋的大房子 例句: The barracks was inspected daily. 营房每天都受到检查。 45. bass① [beis] n.①低音乐器 ②男低音 a.低音的 例句: Is it in the bass or the melody? 是低音的部分还是主调的部分? 46. bass② [bæs] n.(sing.同pl.)鲈鱼 例句: They unloaded their catch of cod and bass. 他们卸下捕获的鳕鱼和鲈鱼。 47. beak [biːk] n.①(猛禽等的)嘴,喙 ②鸟嘴状物 例句: And ever since then, Raven has had a curved beak. 从那以后,所有的乌鸦都有了一张弯曲的嘴。 48. beckon ['bekn] v.(向某人)示意,召唤 例句: She beckoned to the waitress to bring more wine. 她示意服务员再拿些酒来。 49. benevolent [bɪ'nevələnt] a.仁慈的,仁爱的 例句: A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons. 一位叔叔慷慨解囊,出钱供她上音乐课。 50. benign [bɪ'naɪn] a.①(肿瘤等)良性的 ②和蔼的 例句: He shook his head in benign amusement. 他好笑又宽厚地摇摇头。 2017年6月英语六级大纲新增词汇(一).doc正在阅读:
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